Media_player toggle and play-pause not working

I’m trying to configure a physical button to turn on and off, and also pause and start the current media playing in a Nvidia shield, but only half of the actions work.

I mean, I can turn on the Shield, but if I turn it on again nothing happens.
And I can pause the current video, but if I push again, also the video doesn’t resume.

The button actions are registered on the system, so that leads me to think that something is wrong between the integration and the nvidia shield.
Could it be? Does anyone knows what could be failing?

PS: I’m calling the respective service.
The following doesn’t work on developer tools:

service: media_player.toggle
data: {}
  entity_id: media_player.shieldtv

But this works:

service: media_player.turn_off
data: {}
  entity_id: media_player.shieldtv
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What makes you think there are toggle options for play/pause and power rather than (the much better) discrete options for on and off and play and pause?

Hi, I have the same issue with a esphome device (muse luxe).
The pause service is working but any play services doesn’t after that. Only a restart of the device is getting it out of that state… the is no interesting entry in the log.

I have the same issue.
My ESP32 was at ESPhome version 2023.3.2, where everything works as expected. After upgrading to 2023.9.0. the issue arised. I tested some other version and the problem began at version 2023.4.0, where the I2S component got a massive overhaul.

What makes me thinking is why not more people have this issue.

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