I have numerous Sonos speakers running the first generation Sonos S1 controller software which are integrated into my Home Assistant instance. Everything runs perfectly fine, except this one oddity. When I call the media_player.unjoin service on any of the speakers in a group, the remaining group members bizarrely become silent for approximately 5 seconds, approximately 60 seconds after the service is called. If I call another media_player.unjoin service on any of the remaining speakers, the speakers remaining in the group become silent for appriximately 5 seconds, approximately 60 seconds after that service is called, and so on.
I have had this issue for a very long time, thinking I would eventually find the problem, to no avail. I had previously used the sonos.unjoin service and experienced the same oddity, but I recently transitioned to the media_player.unjoin service and I am experiencing the same issue. I’m curious if this is an expected behavior, or if anyone has an idea how I can troubleshoot this problem. It should be noted that I have removed this service from all automations and I have troubleshot the issue by calling the service manually from the developer tools. Calling the service manually has the same issue.