Media player volume setting

Hello everyone, my notifications through Alexa have stopped due to an error which arise when I try to set the media player volume (" Failed to perform the action media_player.volume_set. Unknown error"). Actually, the volume changes but the automation stops in that point.
Any lead?

action: media_player.volume_set
  entity_id: media_player.echo_dot_of_myself
  device_id: d762a734345hy29jf00we12gh451b66
  volume_level: 0.4

Not sure what you mean exactly by

but my automation is identical to yours.

However, mine doesn’t contain a device_id line. Try removing that and see if it works properly.

Hi, thanks for your answer.
This is a script that I call within an automation, which stops everytime the above reported script is run.
I’ve tried to debug it in Developer tool, and the device_id is a must. Cannot run the script without indicate in which device (or entity) the function volume_set have to be applied.

I only use the entity in mine - no device required for that.

Don’t know what else to tell you - I ran it manually yesterday when I replied and didn’t get any errors.

Amazing… I did try keeping only the entity_id line but the result is the same, even if the volume level changes I’ve got the error: " Failed to perform the action media_player.volume_set. Unknown error" :expressionless:

If you’re running on 2024.10.0, .1 or .2, upgrade to 2024.10.3. They fixed some issues with TTS and setting volume on media_player.

Thank you for the lead, it seems volume set action works … but now Alexa media player integration crashes. I delete it and tried to re-install it but always get “Failed to log-in” :man_facepalming:
SOLVED: I had to erase the file alexa_mediaxxxxx.pickle