Media source: network shares, playlists, radio streams

I don’t know if this is already in the pipeline, but can the media source integration be expanded to allow adding:
Network shares (music on NAS etc)
Internet radio streams

I’ve read a few threads with people trying to hack their way to success but this is functionality that should work natively

Don’t forget to vote for your own suggestion Dave.

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Does anyone know if this functionality is likely as some point? The media source integration kinda sucks when all your media must be saved on the HA server.


I’d go further to say, the media-player feature is all but useless without an easy manner to access a network share. It’s puzzling to me that the feature was worked on before the pre-requirements. :man_shrugging: I get that there’s an expert’s way to do it, but man can the team not simplify this process?


Any updates on this? It would be very handy to have your network share files everywhere with home assistant…

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I would even be ok with adding a DLNA-library :smiley:
Some kind of access to external media storage is definitely needed.


Agreed, but for …

Docker Only

For my fellow peeps using Docker, you can get this functionality using the docker-engine inbuilt type: nfs mount using a Windows share or Samba:

      type: nfs
      o: 'addr=192.168.XX.XX,nolock,soft,rw'
      device: ':/multimedia'

# Then the regular HA definition
    # blah blah
      - nas-multimedia:/media

Note: I’ve enabled anonymous/guest RO access to my media, but it should be trivial to add in creds above.

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But shouldn’t HomeAssistant, with its media browser and DLNA renderer integration, be able to get to a DLNA server without having to enable an NFS or Samba share?

I’ve hacked my way through a basic in-browser DLNA browser in the past, but certainly lack the programming skill to contribute this sort of feature to HA. Though I’m tempted to spend a lot of time and frustration trying, is there a way I can raise the likelihood of someone for whom this is easy-peasy tackling this? Is there the ability to put bounties on desired integrations? :thinking: