Media sources list (remove netatmo)

Where can I edit the list where the media sources are listed? In my particular case, I have been trying for some time to find the file that is responsible for the “netatmo” entry showing up in my media sources. How do I get rid of it?

In the netatmo integration I can’t find a way to turn off this behavior either

Currently not possible.

Any update on if this is a planned feature?
Would like to have the ability to clean up my Media Sources list also.

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It is not on the list for the Netatmo integration. IMO this is more general topic to curate the media sources, so if there is such an option it should be available throughout HA.

It seems this is still an issue, or has anybody found a solution for this by now?
This would be a really awesome feature to “clean” up the media sources appropriately.

Thanks for any suggestions in advance!

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