Mediola2mqtt: Simple Mediola to MQTT bridge with HA support

Thanks! I was looking for something to control my Elero blinds. Also, in the meantime I found your website :slight_smile: The part with copying the values from the pilot looks slightly challenging :slight_smile:
Also, I noted that tilting is done by sending just one command? Yet you can tilt the blinds two way?

I do not have any blinds that support tilt, so this was implemented with a user. There is one issue open at github that deals with thtat: Example config.yaml · Issue #1 · andyboeh/esphome-elero · GitHub

It really isn’t. You just look at the log and figure out the values.

I finally got my hands on the eBay Mediola gateway. Unfortunately it doesn’t work properly (I’m unable to add any of my Elero devices for weird reason “unable to enter pairing mode”) so I’m ditching the idea.
Started looking into your solution with ESP/CC1101. I read that you caniballised the chip from another device. Do you think that the cheap CC1101 modules from AliExpress will work? Or is it a waste of time?

Which Gateway version did you get?
I once bought a used gateway v4 where no Elero ID was set. You can check by running the following command in your browser:


This returns a lot of status codes, check if there is a value set for “EID”. If not, you can manually set one - I forgot where I learned that from but it wasn’t easy to find:


aabbcc is your Elero ID in hex. You can pick any number, they should not collide with your blinds.

That said: Sure, any CC1101 module will work if it isn’t broken. You might have to experiment and/or measure the correct frequency settings (they are configurable). You can use a cheap RTL433-based SDR for that. I’ve used these modules in the past for various Homematic projects (but they needed frequency calibration).

The gateway is a v5, so not officially supported by your solution :slight_smile: But I’ll give it a try, thanks!
I’m ordering a CC1101 from Ali anyway, we’ll see what it can do.

Nope, that didn’t work :confused: the EID was set, I changed it to my my own string, but that didn’t work either. Here’s the full dump from the first command you mentioned above:

{XC_SUC}{“HWV”:“E1”,“HWRV”:“01”,“FWV”:“1.0.31”,“BUILD”:“0007”,“TZ”:“21”,“TIME”:“20:13:53 18.3.2024”,“LONG”:“00D2”,“LAT”:“020A”,“RFM”:“1601”,“RFCAL”:“170C”,“PIN”:“XXXX”,“EID”:“031337”,“RGB”:“03”,“DC”:“0000/88B8”,“ststart”:“20:05:25 18.3.2024”,“HM”:{“ADR”:“343939”,“KEY”:“FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF”}}

Hello, can someone help me with the installation? I have HomeAssistant in a VM on a Windows PC. So I tried to run mediola2mqtt directly on the windows pc. But when I start it with the CMD I got the following error:

Running in local mode
Exception ignored in: <function Client.__del__ at 0x000001F36E1656C0>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python312\Lib\site-packages\paho\mqtt\", line 874, in __del__
  File "C:\Python312\Lib\site-packages\paho\mqtt\", line 1133, in _reset_sockets
  File "C:\Python312\Lib\site-packages\paho\mqtt\", line 1119, in _sock_close
    if not self._sock:
AttributeError: 'Client' object has no attribute '_sock'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 198, in _run_module_as_main
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 88, in _run_code
  File "C:\mediola2mqtt\", line 309, in <module>
    mqttc = mqtt.Client()
TypeError: Client.__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'callback_api_version'

  1. Windows is completely untested, you are on your own.
  2. Paho-MQTT 2.0.0 seems to have introduced a backwards-incompatible API change. Use one of the 1.x.x releases or fix the error message - read client module — Eclipse paho-mqtt documentation

Hi Andyboeh, thanks for the quick reply. It works with Paho-MQTT 1.6.1.

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@andyboeh It works and I can send the opening or close command from HA to the Elero blind. But after the command was send the Python Script in Windows close automaticly. Before I can send the next command I have to start it again in Windows CMD with “python” and then I can send the next command from HA. Do you have an idea how I can get mediola2mqtt run on windows endless?

When it closes, there is probably an error message. Capture that and fix it.

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Hi, you are right it closes with KeyError: ‘buttons’
I deleted the buttons section because I don’t have any buttons which I want to have in the yaml.
But this seems not possible. Do I have to configure at least one button?

IIRC, you need the section buttons:, but it can be empty. Or you fix the python code, could be a bug, IDK.

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Thank you for the quick response. I will try to find a Solution. For the moment it works if I copy one “button” from the example.yaml to my .yaml That fine for me so far.
Its great to have your support even when you already archived this project. Many thanks.

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tried to install this in Home Assistant, got this error!

Add-on konnte nicht installiert werden

The command ‘/bin/ash -o pipefail -c pip3 install paho-mqtt’ returned a nonzero code: 1

any solution for this?

If you found the correct post via the search function, it would save all others quite some time by linking it: Trying to add a mediola2mqtt add-on fails - #5 by jeutie

Hi NC03, were you successful with the Sonoff Bridge and the Warema EWFS?
I tried with the Sonoff Bridge R2 (without modification) and no signals were recognized. Thinking about to flash Tasmota in the next step.
Thanks for your help

Hi @Tom77
I tried the sonoff bridge, but failed (I did not try tasmota on it though).
My main problem was the teaching which did not work.

Finally I bought this one and I am pretty happy with it. I even bought cheap rf based garage door opener and taught them the awning for better WAF :wink:
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The teaching process was straight forward as far as I remember (2 years ago).

Thanks, for your hint. The Broadlink worked :slight_smile:

I am glad it helped.
Finally, I was able to give something back to this community :slight_smile: