Medisana Blood Pressure Monitor (BLE)

Most smart devices need a separate app to get their information, but with Home Assistant, almost anything can be integrated into one app.
This is the idea behind the integrating I created for my Medisana Blood Pressure Cuff.

It uses an active Bluetooth connection by subscribing to the notification service to get the last measurement including some basic information.
You can find my custom integration on my github:


Will this work for Omron Platinum Blood Pressure Monitor

I don’t have an Omron blood pressure to test it, but I imagine that it won’t work…

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Thanks for the update.

Any of the medisana blood pressure with bluetooth would work? Which version are you using?

I am using the BU 530 connect and it works as long as it has a good signal.
I recently saw support for the BU 570, though I haven’t tested it.
Most likely it should work the same way with all the Medisana blood pressure monitors.

ok. It seems this brand is not available in usa or japan. Closes would be HK site, but they are out of stock for the BU 580 which I think will work with the integration.

AOJ-33B Tuya bluetooth blood pressure monitor - #5 by haaahaha I would like to get mine working, possible to point me in the right direction?

My integration only supports Medisana devices, so it won’t work on your device…

Yea, I know, I was wondering if you could help me out with the BLE portion.

I would suggest finding how the data are transmitted. For my case I had to connect to the device, though some work with just the manufacturer data.

A very good tool on android is the nRF Connect. It shows what the device supports.

nRF was able to display correct weight values from my xiaomi weighing scale but nothing useful in nRF for this blood pressure monitor.

I’m curious, it makes no sense to show only the systolic or only the diastolic, is there a way for HA to present historical measurements of these numbers as 1?

I’m also interested in recording the time these readings were taken.