Memory spike every morning at 6:10


I’m seeing a memory spike every morning at 6:10.

I have had some reboot’s because of this.
I’m running HA on Virtual box, and when is reboots I always loose my zigbee comm. It needs to be powered off before restart.

Anyone who can guide me in to finding out what is causing this spike?

It is hard to tell without other logs.
It could be database clean up, backup routines, even the useless speedtest that many run.

Any automation running around that time? Or backup?

Can’t really see anything around that time in any of the logs.
When I do a manual db purge I see more of an activity on cpu load and not on memory.

None that I have scheduled myself.

Can you see your network utilization at that time?
The memory and CPU load could be from a large network transfer and if that network transfer is occuring over WiFi, then it could cause your Zigbee to die, if the WiFi and Zigbee are on the same frequency.

Good Idea, Thanks! I have a Unify network with controller running, so I get lots of information from my network. I however don’t see any (increased) activity’s at the time of the spike.

Sorry to resurrect such an old topic, but I have exactly the same spike exactly the same time (6:10). Did you eventually find what was causing it?


No, never found the cause, but at some point is stopped being an issue for my system. I also moved from virtual box to dedicated pc with haos that dramatically improved performance :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for the update!
I wish you could find the cause, but it’s nice to know that I’m not the only one with this problem. Maybe there will be someone someday who can determine what component/element of the home assistant performs memory intensive tasks at 6:10 AM. :slightly_smiling_face:

Is that graph earlier from HA or somewhere else?
If it is from outside HA, then you are looking at an entire HostOS system too.