Menstrual cycle tracking light aka The Egg Timer

One of my favourite projects I’ve built: The Egg Timer.

I don’t think anyone has made anything even slightly similar to this one, so I thought I’d share it. It is based on a Google Sheets system that I use to track my cycle. It calculates the next cycles based on previous ones (with the more recent ones weighing heavier in the calculations).
That then updates my calendar, which connects to HA. Which I use to change the state of the small carved egg with a LED embedded. It’s on my night stand, so I wake up and go to sleep with the most recent forecast for my cycle and it’s effects on my day.

More info here: Smart menstrual cycle tracking lamp, aka The Egg Timer – The Online Witch


Are you using the HA Dashboard for your input or just doing it directly in Sheets like the article mentions?

I use sheets for the tracking. Maybe in the future I can find a way to keep it all in HA, but for now I haven’t yet.

This is amazing. Great blog post too. I love how all the components are either natural or existing: True creativity without the help of a 3D printer (not that the use of one would be bad, of course). Maybe I’ll make one for my wife. I have no chickens, so will need to make another plan there!

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Thank you! I like to reuse existing things from my hoard of materials. I don’t have anything against 3D printers either! I’m just not very experienced in using them.
There’s probably a ton of other options besides eggs. But shop bought eggs work too :slight_smile:

This is absolutely fascinating! I can’t believe there isn’t a lot more information or available content on this. I have for many years followed my wife’s cycle along with her because I understand how it effects her mood and way of thinking. Being a good husband is understanding this kind of thing and working with it instead of just bashing on.
I like your use of the light, it’s cute! I am on the other hand the fully fledged 3D printer - LCD nutcase of which you speak (LOL).
I’ve recently relocated and therefore redoing my home assistant installation. I’ve been thinking of a few improvements I can make and thought of somehow incorporating the FLO app into HA which I see nobody does. Because I am far more often on HA, I thought it’d be more frequently available there.
At the risk of sounding like some very serious weirdo, would it be possible to share the template of the Google sheets you made up? Being of the other sex, I wouldn’t know where to begin trying to understand the algorithm.

Sure! I’ll see if I can make a similar sheet without my own info. There’s one I based mine on already available online, it should be linked in my blog post. But mine has been mostly redesigned and reconfigured, so I should probably add it to my blog too.