Mentoring Program

I finally cut my ties to my old automation system and decided to join the Home Assistant (hass) movement.
I am new to hass … but a long history in software development and Home Automation.
I was able to get 80% of what I wanted done quickly … but the last 20% was hard, or I needed to push the envelope of hass. I am still not there …
But I am developer … I could extend the system. I have done so with my last automation system.

In the last few weeks I had to learn:
- Home Assistant
- Visual Studio Source (IDE)
- Python Development and PyTest (I was a casual python user)
- git & github workflows (mostly used proprietary and svn scm systems)
I am well into releasing my first pull request for the core.
The learning process (mostly on my own) will probably discourage more develpment.

Please consider the following proposal for a Mentoring Program:

1) Developer Candidates could solicit a mentor.
    They should indate the area(s) of development they would like to pursue
    They should include thier credentials. 
    Maybe done via a board here.
2) Active developers (Mentor candidates) could then respond to the request (on the forum)
    The developer could then message the Mentor and solicit their personal email.
3) The Developerer Candate and Mentor could then converse via email. 
4) The mentor could suggest:
     Sources for Information.
     Answers to questions.
     Request Developer to summarize a learned concept by posting back to the forum (after review from Mentor)

That’s exactly what this forum category is for. With the added bonus that others can search for and see answers.

Richard, “the” Richard from PLEG!?

Welcome! You stepped in so late to this wonderfull game! OMG you are going into a great period to come!