Mercedes Me Component

Without having a solution, does anyone have an automation ready as a workaround to detect if the connection failed? Something like “if a sensor hasn’t been updated in X hours” or “some actual error has been logged”?
I love using the preclimate function exposed from HA to HomeKit, and whenever the connection fails I don’t experience any issues in HomeKit, but enter a non-airconditioned car later. Having a way to inform me of an issue would help to manually restart HA or something as a workaround.


here is an automation that detects the error:

alias: MBAPI2020-Detect-HTTP429
description: ""
  - trigger: event
    event_type: system_log_event
  - condition: template
    value_template: "{{\"Other error 429\" in[0]}}"
  - action: persistent_notification.create
    metadata: {}
      message: "MB-API access blocked. HTTP 429"
mode: single

Make sure that you enable the correct config for your logger in the configuration.yaml and restart HA:

  fire_event: true

However, I do not know how long we have to wait until we can reload the integration. I’m still testing the API behavior.

A reload can be done with

    service: homeassistant.reload_config_entry
      entry_id: ***

Since 2 days i have the same problem with the 429 error and would like to implement the detection and an automatic restart.

The first part with creating the automation is easy, but i am struggeling with the second part:

How do i have to do this?
Do i just have to copy those 2 lines of code in the configuration.yaml or what do i have to do?
Sorry, i am a beginner :slight_smile:

My question to the third step is: Where can i find the number for the “entry_id”?


Yes. Just copy this two lines in your configuration.yaml. In case you have the line system_log: aleady in the file, just add fire_event: true.

As I said, we have to wait until we/I understood the issue. An automated reload makes no sense. I’m still working on it.

Until now i always was able to get the device running again with a simple reload. This is how i want to do it:

  - action: persistent_notification.create
    metadata: {}
      message: MB-API access blocked. HTTP 429
  - delay:
      hours: 1
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 0
  - action: homeassistant.reload_config_entry
      entry_id: "12345"

So i want to wait 60 min (have to test if that is enough) until the automatic reload happens.
I just need the answer how to find the right entry_id number.
Can you answer this, too, please?

Click on this link:

and you can see the ID in the url-field of the browser:

and you have to extend your action and add an entity-id:

action: homeassistant.reload_config_entry
  entry_id: ...
  entity_id: sensor.XXXX_car

Replace XXXX with your sensor naming

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Thanks, will try now next time the device is stuck.

sorry if this question is already ask but i cannot find my answer.
I would like to find all the entity state codes to create my own automtion
something like this

# Codes for open/unlocked/venting of doors and sunroof (sensor.XXX_lock):
# doorlockstatus*: true: unlocked, false: locked
# doorstatus*: true: open, false: closed
# sunroofstatus: 0: closed, 1: open, 2: vent, 7: opening, 8: closing, 11: open vent, 12: closing vent
# Codes for open/venting of windows (binary_sensor.XXX_windows_closed):
# windowstatus*: 1: open, 2: closed, 4: vent, 5: moving

Any idea where i can find this information?

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I was using this entity to open automatically my gate but in the last couple of days it is not working any more.
I have noted that GP058TC Ignition State is now frozen as “Locked”

See here remote websocket connection closed: Cannot write to closing transport · Issue #279 · ReneNulschDE/mbapi2020 · GitHub

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I’m using this custom add on and the Mercedes Vehicle Card to show it on love lace. I can’t get the information of where my car is (map function).
Is it available with my EQB and in Germany?
On my Mercedes Me App (Android) I got this information. Can anyone help me?

Check the configuration of the card. Go to the Map section and select the device tracker of your car.

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thank you. It works now

Now I have lost the integration on two different Pi’s after upgrading to the lastest Hass version. :frowning: This is the error message on startup:

Loggdetaljer (FEIL)
Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
Førs oppstått: 14:27:44 (1 hendelser)
Sist logget: 14:27:44

Error setting up entry mastiff@*****.no (Region: Europe) for mbapi2020
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 635, in __async_setup_with_context
    result = await component.async_setup_entry(hass, self)
  File "/config/custom_components/mbapi2020/", line 207, in async_setup_entry
    raise HomeAssistantError(
homeassistant.exceptions.HomeAssistantError: No car information registered for this account. Check the MB website with the same account. Giving up...

I have not changed the mail address for this Mercedes Me account since I got it in 2020, and the account and the car shows in the Mercedes app. But that has been very flakey the last weeks as well, it may be related.

Here is a pre-publication of the release notes of the upcoming release. (hopefully tomorrow):

Important Notice: Changes to the MB Backend

A few days ago, the MB team made some changes to their backend environment. As a result, accounts may be blocked in cases of extensive use. In the context of this integration, extensive use can happen after multiple restart/reloads per day. When blocked, access with this component and all official MB apps will no longer be possible. The account is unblocked at midnight (GMT).

How to Prevent Account Blocking

To reduce the risk of your account being blocked, please follow these recommendations:

  1. Create a separate MB user account for use with this component.
  2. Invite the new user to the vehicle:
    The primary user of the vehicle can invite the new HA-MB account to access the vehicle. Up to six additional users can be invited to each vehicle.
  3. Use each account in a single environment only:
    Use one account exclusively in HA or in the official MB tools, but never in both simultaneously.

Important Notes

  • Certain features, such as geofencing data, are available only to the primary user.
  • If geofencing is required in your HA environment, use the primary user account in HA and the secondary accounts in the official MB apps.

Key Improvements in This Release

If an account is blocked (HTTP 429), the system will now automatically attempt to re-establish the connection after midnight (GMT) The retry delay is based on the following formula Retry delay = 15 seconds × (retry count)². When the reconnect was successful a reload of the component is initiated.

Technical details

Q: Why do you not act like the official app and reuse the application-id to prevent blocking?
A: Only with a new app-id, the component gets a full-data update from the MB-servers on start/reload. A full dataset is currently needed to create the sensors as I decide based on this full update which sensors are available for the car.

Q: How can I see the details?
A: Enable the debug logging of this component to see all the details like wait time or other output.

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Aha… That’s probably what happens. And why my and my wife’s apps are not updating as they should. I will create one account each for my Hass instances, I have three different instances using this, and I’m guessing the restart of all Pi’s at four every night is one of the reasons for the problem. And I have been doing a lot of work to my setups the last week, and that means that I restart Hass more than I usually do. Thank you!

I order to use the second account in my HA instance, first I had to completely remove the existing account from the integration. Just disabling the existing account created the entities of the car, however in a disabled state.
Not sure if this is a common issue.

I’m using beta3 of the integration and HA 2024.11.3

I have published “v0.20.0 - Account blocking” now.

Important Notice: Changes to the MB Backend

A few days ago, the MB team made some changes to their backend environment. As a result, accounts may be blocked in cases of intensive use. In the context of this integration, extensive use can happen after multiple restart/reloads per day. When blocked, access with this component and all official MB apps will no longer be possible. The account is unblocked at midnight (GMT).

How to Prevent Account Blocking

To reduce the risk of your account being blocked, please follow these recommendations:

  1. Create a separate MB user account for use with this component.
  2. Invite the new user to the vehicle:
    The primary user of the vehicle can invite the new HA-MB account to access the vehicle. Up to six additional users can be invited to each vehicle.
  3. Use each account in a single environment only:
    Use one account exclusively in HA or in the official MB tools, but never in both simultaneously.

Important Notes

  • Certain features, such as geofencing data, are available only to the primary user.
  • If geofencing is required in your HA environment, use the primary user account in HA and the secondary accounts in the official MB apps.
  • Make sure that you not run more at one account (with the same cars) in one instance.
  • You can delete the authentication information in the “Configure”-Dialog of the integration and then relogin with the new account.

Key Improvements in This Release

  • If an account is blocked (HTTP 429), the system will now automatically attempt to re-establish the connection after midnight (GMT) The retry delay is based on the following formula Retry delay = 15 seconds × (retry count)². When the reconnect was successful a reload of the component is initiated. (Fixes #279, #282)
  • The value of chargingPowerKW is rounded now. (Thanks @tvcsantos, #283)

Technical details

Q: Why do you not act like the official app and reuse the application-id to prevent blocking?
A: Only with a new app-id, the component gets a full-data update from the MB-servers on start/reload. A full dataset is currently needed to create the sensors as I decide based on this full update which sensors are available for the car. I’ll try to address this in one of the next releases.

Q: How can I see the details?
A: Enable the debug logging of this component to see all the details like wait time or other output.

You can support the development.


I had to revert back to 0.19.1 to remove the authorization token. In 0.20 it throws an error ‘Unknown error occured’.
I have re-authorized with a specific HA user under 0.19.1, then upgraded to 0.20

After re-authorizing with the new account I was confused to see the old account mail address re-appear. I now understand that this is the name of the created hub and thus can easily be updated. I mention this in case someone else would also wonder.