Mercedes Me Component

Hello @ReneNulschDE

I have enabled auxheat in with:

        car.auxheat = self._get_car_values(
            c, car.finorvin, Auxheat(), AUX_HEAT_OPTIONS, update_mode)

All attributes are shown, but when I start aux heat it shows only one or two of the attributes:


Anything I can help to enable auxheat working correctly?
Thanks, Markus

Hi Markus,

This just old code from the old component. But you can help. I have no car with AuxHeat.

  1. Switch on the save to file mode to true. see

  2. restart HA, wait few minutes, start the auxheat on your mobile phone.

  3. send me the jsons out of the messages folder in the custom_components/mbapi2020.

Then I can check what needs to be adjusted.


Hi Rene,
i think this has been discussed some days ago but i noticed that the state precondActive seems to be still broken. Starting precondition and the state attribute always returns false.


I have published a new version 0.4.0.

New sensors:

  • Aux Heat Status (Thanks: @danielrheinbay)
  • oilLevel

New switch:

  • AuxHeat

New Lock

  • Lock (with Pin support if the pin is not stored in the integration options, restart required if you remove or add a pin the integration options)

New Services

  • Auxheat_start
  • Auxheat_stop


Breaking changes:

  • Hopefully none :slight_smile:

Not solved yet:

  • precondActive
  • PreCond-Now does not work for older cars, we need to implement Precond-Immediate


  • I have initiated the onboarding process to HACS. Waiting to get the Brands, Wheels and HACS merged.

Auxheat works for me now. Thanks Rene!

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Wow, please share this ā€žCardā€œ ā€¦THX uwe

Thanks again RenƩ for your excellent work on this.
Today I was frustrated that the Mercedes app did not notify my that my window apparently was open, so I wondered, why canĀ“t I automate this myself. My thought was that I trigger a notification based on the ignition being off and when the window or lock open. The below code is what I was thinking of, but I could not find any documentation on the ignition_state, so itĀ“s based on the states I noticed. Has anyone tried this and a better way or suggestions?

- id: car_window_notification
  alias: Car window open notification
  initial_state: true
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.xxxxxxx_ignition_state
      to: '0'
        minutes: 1
    condition: not
      - condition: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.xxxxxxx_windows_closed
        state: 'On'
    - service: notify.mobile_app_rene_s_iphone_11
        message: 'Car window open'

- id: car_lock_notification
  alias: Car unlocked notification
  initial_state: true
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.xxxxxxx_ignition_state
      to: '0'
        minutes: 1
    condition: not
      - condition: state
        entity_id: sensor.xxxxxxx_lock
        state: '2'
    - service: notify.mobile_app_rene_s_iphone_11
        message: 'Car unlocked'

here are the values

  • Ignition state
    Internal Name: ignitionstate
    Values     Description_short     Description_long
    "0"        "lock"                "Ignition lock"
    "1"        "off"                 "Ignition off"
    "2"        "accessory"           "Ignition accessory"
    "4"        "on"                  "Ignition on"
    "5"        "start"               "Ignition start"

based on MBSDK-CarKit-iOS/MBCarKit/MBCarKit/Common/Enums/Status/EngineTypes.swift at cbe02fc1322a6e7278b5ad1a3faafde2f36177c4 Ā· mercedes-benz/MBSDK-CarKit-iOS Ā· GitHub

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I like your approach. Other option could be to measure the distance between your phone and the car.

{{ distance('device_tracker.phone1', 'device_tracker.yourcar_device_tracker') }}

Nice one! That would however only work if you were the only one using the car. In my case itā€™s me or my wife.

This you could solve with the closest function. see

You learn something new every day! definitely worth a shot! Thanks!

I love this component and it really works well, but I do see comments mentioning some sensors, etc. that I donā€™t see, which Iā€™m sure is to do with my subscriptions.

Is there a guide which says which APIs and which services you need to subscribe to for the various devices and sensors?

Iā€™ve subscribed to the following APIs:

  • Electric Vehicle Status BYOCAR
  • Fuel Status BYOCAR
  • Vehicle Lock Status BYOCAR
  • Vehicle Status BYOCAR

In terms of Mercedes subscriptions I have:

  • Vehicle Setup

Are there any other APIs I should be subscribing to, or any other services?

What would the Vehicle Monitoring, Remove & Navigation Services, and Stolen Vehicle Help give me that I donā€™t already get?

I canā€™t see things like charging status or location.


Hi @DerekO,

this component does not use the BYOD api currently, my component is imitating the mobile app. You should see all sensors that are available in the MercedesME App (US/CA: MercedesME Connect). Please check the service description of the additional services in the app as this depends by region/country/car.

Vehicle Setup is the core and enables most of the services.

But let me try to answer it high level:
Vehicle Monitoring = Location data is available (you could use the device tracker in HA)
Remote & Navigation Services = Focus on services around electric cars and charging

What do you miss?

BTW: If you would like to use the official API then @Giorgio_Ravera has done a lot of work. please check the posting in this thread around Octā€™ 2020.

Scroll up or klick Mercedes Me Component


thx holger, canā€™t find the pic without values ā€¦ yaml works well! thx again

Hi from Sydney Australia here. What settings should I be using for LOCALE and COUNTRY CODE for Australia/Asia Pacific?

I have added the integration successfully and it seemed to connect ok with en-AU , AU but no entities are showing up even after a HA restart.

Any Ideas?


what mobile app do you use in Australia?


Great work on the new update. For some reason I donā€™t seem to have the lock. Iā€™m trying to trouble shoot the cause. If I figure it out Iā€™ll come back to you.


Which json value are you looking for to build the lock? I tried calling the door_lock service and received the following.

ā€œVIN unknown or feature not availabe for this car.ā€

Strange because it worked previously. In fact I had created my own lock template which worked perfectly

   - platform: template
     name: GLS Lock
     value_template: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.la221804_lock_status', 'off')}}"
       service: mbapi2020.doors_lock
         vin: "{{  }}"
       service: mbapi2020.doors_unlock
        vin: "{{  }}"