Merten Wiser

Hi all,
Merten is in Europe the market leader for traditional electronic house infrastructures. They recently entered the smart home business with a product line called “Merten Wiser”.
Unfortunately there is no community content available yet and the tech is using Bluetooth end to end. So the obvious question is: is there currently a way to integrate these components?

Thanks for any input in advance.

udpate: the vendor just confirmed to me that the system is using zigbee behind the scenes, which is a bit of a door opener.

Markus, buy some and have a play!

will try, but unfortunately we are talking new house config decision making.

Decision making on a new house?

POE everywhere, Good wifi infrastructure, home assistant compatible devices.

If there is no evidence that the device is usable by the open source community, throw it in the virtual rubbish bin and move on.

yes. i am close to a deadline to explain the electricians what to put in walls or not. i am not convinced on the Merten Wiser, but the thing is they usually deliver top notch quality components. they are just very new in the smart component business and the lack of a user community is a bug in my eye.

MarkusSB - Did you ever make any headway here?