Message malformed: required key not provided @ data['triggers']

I’ve been over this for the past 30 minutes and can’t see what the problem, it’s probably because I’ve been looking at it for so long. Could a fresh pair of eyes see the issue?

  - data:
      filename: /config/temp/Doorbell_pressed_image.png
      entity_id: camera.driveway
    action: camera.snapshot
  - action: google_generative_ai_conversation.generate_content
    metadata: {}
      prompt: "in the style of Ricky Gervais, tell me who is at the door in 5 words."
      image_filename: /config/temp/Doorbell_pressed_image.png
    response_variable: generated_content
  - action: notify.mobile_app_blobfishs_iphone
      title: Doorbell Pressed
      message: "{{generated_content['text'] }}"
        image: /config/temp/Doorbell_pressed_image.png

You haven’t shown us the rest of the automation.

I’d guess that it’s because your automation is missing the “triggers:” key. Or you’ve got an indentation error.

Ffs, how did I miss something so obvious :man_facepalming:t3: no trigger.

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