Message portion of action of automation

@123 generously provided the following solution:

I am hoping to be able to implement a similar solution in the “message” portion of an automation.

This is my automation that looks at 5 temperature sensors and if any 1 (or more of them) is 40 degrees or lower, it emails to me the temperature of all 5 sensors.

I am hoping to be able to change the message content emailed to include all sonoff temperature sensors.

alias: Low temperature somewhere
description: ""
  - platform: numeric_state
      - sensor.sonoff_1001dabf2f_temperature
      - sensor.76_thr316_1_water_temperature
      - sensor.well_ecobee_temperature
      - sensor.sonoff_100139392c_temperature
      - sensor.sonoff_1001393418_temperature
    below: 40
condition: []
  - service: notify.notifier_name
      message: >-
        Temp at 76 Water is {{ states("sensor.76_thr316_1_water_temperature") }}

        Temp at 630 Water is {{ states("sensor.sonoff_1001dabf2f_temperature")

        Temp at White Water is {{ states("sensor.sonoff_100139392c_temperature")

        Temp at Purple Water is {{
        states("sensor.sonoff_1001393418_temperature") }}

        Temp in Well House is {{ states("sensor.well_ecobee_temperature") }}
mode: single

Or, having the option to send all temperature readings from any sensor with the word “temperature” in its name.

Thank you!

This possible?