/ Forecast

Show your forecast modifications!

How I get new hourly forecast on integration?

And I want daily forecast with precipitation, I need to know how much rain(mm) on tomorrow and next few days. It is possible to conf with integration?

Sorry my english!


I am very interested as well… anybody has some clue?



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I would like to see this aswel

I got help on discord just now.

Go to confg -> integrations -> press the met entities.
the list will only contain the weather.home but you can in the filters drop down enable search for disabled entities.
Then the weather.home_hourly will show up and you can enable that. Then you will get the hourly forecast.

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For anyone uncovering this via search, I’m using this template for how much rain in mm tomorrow:


and this one for how much rain in mm the day after


and this for the average of the two:

{{ (([0].precipitation) + ([1].precipitation)) / 2 }}

where home is the name of my home


Hello, gives also hourly forecast. My goal is to calculate at midnight of the day X the average temperature over the 24h of the day X+1. The issue is that using forecast.temperature I access only to the daily forecast not hourly forecast. Can you please help me?

does not show anything else in my case. Any hint how to get tomorrow forecast?