locationforecast API version 2.0 in finalizing stage

Quite new to Home Assistant – so a little unsure on how to approach this. Pleas steer me in the right direction if this forum post shouldn’t have been the place to start. :slightly_smiling_face: locationforecast API version 2.0 is soon to be released

This version (2.0) is currently in beta and should not yet be used in production. [In finalizing stage, please check User-Agent header as per TOS]

This should be noted:

We had originally planned to launch a token-based authentication scheme for version 2.0, however this has been postponed to a later date. As a consequence we have implemented stricter access controls in regards to the identification requirements in the Terms of Service, which state that you must send a unique identifier in the User-Agent header. Any requests with a prohibited or missing User-Agent will receive a 403 Forbidden error.

Will this impact the Home Assistant onboarding integration?

version 2.0 : 2019-04-02

  • Beta period nearing completion.
  • XML is now split into different “classic” method.
  • Stricted controls on User-Agent header to avoid throttling.

No news on retirement date for version 1.9.