Met.No weather is wrong?

I set my location in Home Assistant Config: General. It was unable to autodetect, which was odd, but I zoomed in until I found it. I have a weather card in my lovelace ui. It currently says that it is raining and 76 degrees, while my local tv channel weather station says it’s 85 and clear. How can I override my location with to make sure it’s correct? I guess my other option is to set up dark sky or something, but it would be nice to just use the built in service if it can be accurate. Thanks!

What does it look like out the window?

Seriously though, what does your log say?

It matches my local weather station. Guess I should have mentioned that :smile:

What does the log say is being sent to

Developer Tools > Info > Full log shows
2019-08-14 18:20:06 WARNING (MainThread) [] Setup of platform met is taking over 10 seconds.
Is there a more detailed log anywhere?

My weather is also not accurate. Where can I change this?

My weather is too wrong. I have my Lat/Lon values added into my configuration.yaml .
I am running version 0.105.5.

And I do not see anything in my log file.