Meteoalarm not showing warning

There are several warnings for my area at the moment, and “safe” shows from the binary_sensor.meteoalarm

  - platform: meteoalarm
    country: "sweden"
    province: "Örebro"

I followed the guide and re-checked, but everything seems ok. Here are the atom feed from

Hi, do you have any update on this? Just saw you might have same troubles than I have here in Switzerland. Since roughly 2 months, no information on the meteoalarm sensor. Thank you for a reply. Tx

Hi, I’m sorry but I still have the same issue. I’ll post here if I stumble upon a solution. Please do the same, thanks!

The feed is not found “Feed not found or dead feed” . I guess Meteoalarm has done som changes. My region in bombarded with warnings today, but nothing show up with the integration.

Same here: “Error on device update”.

Did you work this out? Not sure what kind of province’s we could choose from here in Sweden as most of SMHI’s warnings are overlapping like “Northernmost Kalmar county and parts of Östergötland and southern Örebro county”

Hello, I noticed today that the weather alarm does not display warnings.

Is this an update?
My teaching

  - platform: meteoalarm
    country: "slovakia"
    province: "Bratislava"
    language: "sk"

Hello, anyone found the solution? I´ve searched in the forum but nothing. Thanks in advance.