MeteoalarmCard 2.0 - Weather warnings card for Meteoalarm, Météo-France, Environnement Canada, DWD, NINA and more!

Hey everyone! I’m proud to announce the release of the new major MeteoalarmCard version 2.0! This update brings a lot of exciting features, improvements and fixes. There is a couple of new integrations. At this point this card supports the following sensors:

Get the MeteoalarmCard


You can setup this card from HACS. Read more about this project on the Github page:

New features

There are some the new features and fixes added to the MeteoalarmCard in this release. You can see the full changelog here: Release v2.0.0 · MrBartusek/MeteoalarmCard · GitHub

New Visual Editor

Home Assistant 2022.3 made a bit of revolution in the way of handling visual editor by the cards. It broke MeteoalarmCard visual editor and other cards while bringing the new Material Web Components (MWC). Starting from 2.0 MeteoalarmCard ships with the new and improved graphical card editor. It now supports multiple entities and uses MWC.

Alerts swiper


Before this update, only the first alert was displayed on the card. This caused any other alerts to be hidden from the user. Now, when the card detects more than one alert it enables the swiper and populates each slide with one alert. When the swiper is activated, it shows pagination (white and grey dots) in the lower part of the card. This behaviour can be disabled with disable_swiper.

New element: caption

dwd caption

Caption is a new card element displayed in the top right of the card. This element is currently only used to inform users using DWD if they are looking at future alerts (coming from the advance_warning_level sensor). This element may find more use in future updates.


Hi and thank you for this card. I think its really nice.
But sadly for me he is never showing the text of the actual warning. All I can see is “Orange Warning”. but not what the warning is.
I am using the nina integration and there are active warning. when i click on the orange warning and then open the attributes the text is there so the backend seems to work

Hey, NINA actually has really long headlines and they don’t fit on the card thus there is a fallback for this message

oh okay thank you for the quick answer. Is there a way to scale the card up when there is a longer text or maybe make the text smaller?
I really like your card but sadly for me its not bringing any benefit if I cant see the full text. I would not mind if the card takes half of the display if the text is longer.

thank you really much for your reply and work

I guess you can make the card wider with horizontal stacks? Not sure thought. As for making the text smaller, there will be updates in the future that will improve scaling including text size.

Hello, why is the meteoalarm card displayed so large even though there is only one message? Can we adjust this someway?

Can yoy give YAML for that?

type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:meteoalarm-card
    integration: dwd
      - entity: sensor.wetterwarnungen_current_warning_level
    disable_swiper: false
    scaling_mode: headline_and_scale
    hide_caption: false
    override_headline: false
  - type: vertical-stack
      - type: custom:teamtracker-card
        entity: sensor.team_tracker
        outline: true
        outline_color: deeppink
  - type: vertical-stack
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
            entity: input_button.bundesliga
            secondary_info: none
              action: more-info
              action: none
              action: none
          - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
              action: toggle
              action: none
              action: none
      - type: vertical-stack
          - type: horizontal-stack
              - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
                entity: input_boolean.urlaubsmodus
                  action: toggle
                  action: none
                  action: none
              - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card

Hey, it seems like this is a problem with your horizontal and vertical stacks layout since without them the card is working fine

Yeah looks like it. It’s a real shame would have liked to use the card. Can you do something about it?

Card doesn’t work with DWD any more:

Error: Ausgewählte Integration passt nicht zu Entitäten:
name: Meteoalarm
type: custom:meteoalarm-card
hide_when_no_warning: true
integration: dwd
  - entity: sensor.dwd_weather_warnings_XXXXXX004_aktuelle_warnstufe
  - entity: sensor.dwd_weather_warnings_XXXXXX004_vorwarnstufe
disable_swiper: false
override_headline: false
hide_caption: false

Renaming “_aktuelle_warnstufe” in “_current_warning_level” doesn’t work for me also.

Workaround mentioned here: DWD selected integration doesn't match selected entity · Issue #214 · MrBartusek/MeteoalarmCard · GitHub

Hello, I love your card, very nice and easy to use.
my only smal issue is that “hide without alarms” is not working for me:
type: custom:meteoalarm-card
my config is standard;


  • entity: binary_sensor.meteoalarm
    integration: meteoalarm
    override_headline: true
    hide_when_no_warning: true

my sensor is >


  • platform: meteoalarm
    country: “austria”
    province: “Wien”
    language: de-AT
    2023-11-19 16_08_21-Window

any Idea what I can try?

Can you go into the developer tools (“Entwicklerwerkzeuge” for us German speakers) and on the states (“Zustände”) tab filter for the metoalarm sensor you created? Is it shown there?

in “states” I can only find the update.meteoalarm.card_update
and my automatation to send msg to my phone if the meteoalarm goes from off to something else.
Some more Info:
Last thursday, we had a orange warning it was working and showing.
Addtional info to my setup: I am on the latest Version, running on a X86 environment.

update: topic solved.
German was not (anymore) available for my Region. therefore the error appeared.
Once I changed the settings (no language option) it worked again and is also hidden when no alarm is triggered.

Can you add support for BOM Weather Australia. GitHub - bremor/bureau_of_meteorology: Custom component for retrieving weather information from the Bureau of Meteorology.

Please create an feature request in Github repo

1 Like

Done, Thanks

Hi, I’m using your card and am wondering, if I have multiple binary sensors for multiple regions, how do I display the name (of the region)? Or a sort of a title? Can you help me with the yaml?