MeteoAlarmEU: send notafiction on alert

It’s simple blueprint based on: Home Assistant update notification It uses data from meteoalarmeu component by xlcnd and send notifications on mobile device with official Home Assistant app when there is new :cyclone: weather alert.

Get started

Click the badge to import this Blueprint: (needs Home Assistant Core 2021.3 or higher)

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

Or import this Blueprint by using the forum topic / Gist URL:

Blueprint Code

  name: MeteoAlarmEU notification
  description: Send a notification when there's new weather aleft form MeteoAlarmEU
  domain: automation
      name: MeteoAlarmEU sensor
      description: The sensor which indicates if there's an alert
          domain: binary_sensor
      name: Notification title
      description: 'Default: "{{  alert_level  }} Weather alert!"'
      default: "{{  alert_level  }} Weather alert!"
      name: Include detailed data from alert
      description: >
        Toggle if you'd like to receive whole alert within the notification, default is true;
        When false only alert level and alert type will be send
      default: true
      name: Send alert with custom message
      description: Toggle if you'd like to customize notification, default is false
      default: false
      name: Custom notification message (optional)
      description: 'Create customized message: {{  alert_level  }}, {{  alert_type  }}, {{  alert_start  }}, {{  alert_end  }}, {{  alert_content  }}'
      default: "{{  alert_type  }}: {{  alert_start  }}-{{  alert_end  }}: {{  alert_content  }}"
      name: Device to notify
      description: Choose device that runs official HA app
          integration: mobile_app

  platform: state
  entity_id: !input alert
  to: "on"

  alert: !input alert
  alert_start: "{{ states[alert].attributes.from }}"
  alert_end: "{{ states[alert].attributes.until }}"
  alert_type: "{{ states[alert].attributes.awareness_type }}"
  alert_level: "{{ states[alert].attributes.awareness_level }}"
  alert_content: "{{ states[alert].attributes.message }}"
  include_whole_alert: !input include_whole_alert
  notification_title: !input notification_title
  custom_message: !input custom_message
  notification_message: !input notification_message
  notify_device: !input notify_device
  - device_id: !input notify_device
    domain: mobile_app
    type: notify
    title: "{{ notification_title }}"
    message: >
      {% if include_whole_alert %}
      {% if custom_message %}
      {{ notification_message }}
      {% else %}
      MeteoAlertEU {{  alert_type  }}
      From {{  alert_start  }} To {{  alert_end  }} :: 
      {{  alert_content  }}
      {% endif %}
      {% else %}
      MeteoAlertEU {{ alert_level }}: {{  alert_type  }}
      {% endif %}

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While trying to import the blueprint i get the following error:

“while scanning a simple key in “”, line 75, column 1: ^ could not find expected ‘:’ in “”, line 76, column 1:

It’s a little bit strange. This blueprint has only 74 lines and imported without any problem on my test HA form github link.
@maurizio53 Did you tried to import with forum link or with github?

I tried first with forum link and got that error, than with github and got “unknown error”.
In both cases i was unable to import it…
EDIT: Tried for the second time with the forum link and got the project imported…

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I love this blueprint, thank you for providing it.
Just one remark, would it be possible to add extra reveivers for the notification as well as a choice which notify intergrations should be used (e.g. sending an email, pushbullet or whatever).


+1 for notify.telegram, etc :slight_smile:

please make it configurable

Hi evrbdy
In order to send notification via PushBullet service, is it correct to replace :

with :

   - service: notify.notif_pushbullet
    title: "{{ notification_title }}"
    message: >
      {% if include_whole_alert %}
      {% if custom_message %}
      {{ notification_message }}
      {% else %}
      MeteoAlertEU {{  alert_type  }}
      From {{  alert_start  }} To {{  alert_end  }} :: 
      {{  alert_content  }}
      {% endif %}
      {% else %}
      MeteoAlertEU {{ alert_level }}: {{  alert_type  }}
      {% endif %}
   mode: single

Thanks in advance !

The git is archived because the meteo alarm EU API changed. It doesn’t look like the author plans to rework it to work with the new API.

Does this blueprint now use another component? Or should it also be deprecated?

I modified this blueprint to use official HA integration, old version will no longer work.

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Thanks @stelmach-web , implemented the official HA integration and the revised blueprint.

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Does anyone have an update on the Meteo-Alarm? It does still not work for me, was OK for a long time and since round about 4 weeks, no information / sensor. Would be gerat if somebody could share his
implementation. Tx - JJ

Anyone got this working for London?

  - platform: meteoalarm
    name: Meteoalarm London
    country: "united-kingdom"
    province: "London & South East England"