Mi Flora plant sensor - 0.88.0+ Yaml Error?

Since the upgrade to 0.88.0, I receive a sensor.yaml error for both of my sensor entries.

If I remove them from sensors, no error so I know the error is for sure triggered from the MiFlora sensors.

Is there something wrong with this that I’m missing? It’s been working fine prior to this update but since it says it’s going to be a breaking change soon I’m not entirely sure what to adjust.

### Plants ###
  - platform: miflora
    mac: C4:7C:8D:66:3A:AA
    name: Spearpoint Ivy
    force_update: true
    timeout: 60
    cache: 60*60
    median: 1
      - moisture
      - light
      - temperature
      - conductivity
      - battery
  - platform: miflora
    mac: C4:7C:8D:66:35:3C
    name: Christmas Cactus
    force_update: true
    timeout: 60
    cache: 60*60
    median: 1
      - moisture
      - light
      - temperature
      - conductivity
      - battery

The error reads as such:

Line 18 is where the ### Plants ### comment begins and line 32 is the blank line prior to the next Miflora sensor information starting.

I’ve tried to simply remove the commented line and blank line and assumed it wouldn’t change anything and it didn’t.

Any help or pointers would be awesome on this.

Looking at the docs for this component there is no “timeout” parameter. Try removing that line from the config and seeing if that fixes it. There was a change in .88 that now reports lines in the config that should not be there.

Not sure why the line numbers don’t match up.

Yeah I tried to remove the lines it notes but not luck. It just seems like it remains unless I remove that entire sensor entry… the other entry works fine though which makes no sense as they are basically identical except the MAC address.

Kind of has me stumped. :frowning: