Does somebody know if KAIDENG WVC-300 microinverter can be controlled with HA?
Factory usage is trought “cloud intelligence app” from Hangzhou Danqoo Network Media Technology Co.,Ltd.
nmap from computer shows device as:
nmap -p-
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-06-11 17:11 CEST
Nmap scan report for tg7100c (
Host is up (0.0093s latency).
All 65535 scanned ports on tg7100c ( are closed
Is it an R3 version? I have WVC-700 R3 which use 433MHz communications to the modem but can be accessed via a simple 433MHz wireless board to FTDI to USB.
My old WVC-300 only communicated to the modem over powerline and while there was an API for that they’ve moved all their inverters to the R3 protocols and so have I.
This used to work with my old WVC-300 inverter and modem though:
I just bought (not yet installed) a WVC-600 R3 inverter and wondering how you integrated into HA. I use RFLink (on USB/RPI5 running HA) to support my 433Mh devices.
I do not find anything like WVC (or Kaideng) in the RFLink supported device list.
Will it be autodetected and recognized by the HA RFlink integration?