Microsoft TTS isn´t working


Someone know why the microsoft tts integration isn´t working?

  - platform: microsoft
    api_key: f2683641e4854813a43515040d990278
    language: en-gb
    gender: Male
    type: George, Apollo
    rate: 20
    volume: -50
    pitch: high
    contour: (0, 0) (100, 100)
    region: eastus

I´m calling the service like this in the automation:

  entity_id: media_player.bocina_luis
  message: "Alert person detected"
service: tts.microsoft_say

Search ‘microsoft tts’ on this forum and you’ll find plenty of posts saying it doesn’t work.
No one knows why. Apparently.

(And you might want to hide your api_key)

i too am having issues with this TTS - from all documentation it should be working - can nobody get it working…

this is my error i found:
ERROR (SyncWorker_11) [pycsspeechtts.pycsspeechtts] Connection Intialization failed, statuscode 401, reason: {“error”:{“code”:“401”,“message”: “Access denied due to invalid subscription key or wrong API endpoint. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription and use a correct regional API endpoint for your resource.”}}

not sharing my apikey - but my configuration is almost the same as above posting except following config for endpoint and region…

my configuration.yaml

  • platform: microsoft
    api_key: sxxxxx
    region: eastasia

any ideas? is there some updates i need?
do i need to specify the api endpoint somehow?

There seems to be an open ticket: