Midea branded AC’s with ESPhome (no cloud)

Hmmm, did you add the node manually or was it auto-discovered? Try to delete the node in HA (not in ESPHome!) and re-add it after a restart of HA.

Delete: go to integrations → ESPHome → choose the node and delete it. After HA restart go back to integrations. Press the “+” sign in the right downwards corner and search for “ESPHome”. Select it and add the IP address and password.

Give it a minute or so and see, if HA recognizes the node.

A node in ESPHome is your device, in this case the NodeMCU. Every device you connect via ESPHome is called “node”. :slight_smile: With “working as it should” I mean the node is stable in ESPHome dashboard, no connection resets or something else. If you open the ESPHome dashboard in a second tap, you can see if the status changes. We need a stable connection. :wink:

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I think i’m doing something badly


Yep, you do :smiley: Just kidding :smiley:

The IP address is the address of your node. :wink: According to your config from above And the password is the one from this line in your ESPHome node configuration: :wink:

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OK. my gf stilled to keeping after me about to do not fill the form with the ip of the device. Now seems working

You mean the A/C is shown and controllable via HA! Great, you made it! :slight_smile: :+1:

Again, have fun with it! :slight_smile: And your next ESP node will be easier, promised! :wink: :slight_smile:

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And I’m afraid to say, it’s not over:
We need to dump the ESPhome nodeMCU’s config for 3 ACs to as many ESP-01 and, firstly, solving some configuration troubles:

1°The AC does not beeps despite the presence of this parameter:

    beeper: true  

2°If the AC is powered on it does not restore the previous condition, but starts a semi-randomic mode, often Heat/Cold (Automatic Mode), generating many troubles

3°When I press H/C mode on HA dashboard these system errors:

Custom element doesn't exist: simple-thermostat.
type: custom:simple-thermostat
entity: climate.condizionatore_disimpegno
  step: row
header: false
control: false

Custom element doesn't exist: simple-thermostat.
type: custom:simple-thermostat
entity: climate.condizionatore_disimpegno
style: |
  ha-card {
    --st-font-size-xl: 16px;
    --st-font-size-m: 10px;
    --st-font-size-title: 16px;
    --st-font-size-sensors: 12px;
    --st-spacing: 2px;
  - entity: sensor.sonoff_a480016867_temperature
    name: Temperatura
  - entity: sensor.sonoff_a480016867_humidity
    name: Umidità
  step: row
header: false
  - hvac
  - preset

4° The splitter humidity sensor is not displayed despite theirs existence.

5° Cannot enable/disable fin tilting via voice control, regardless which voice service is the source.

6° The AC power meter sensor is not displayed, but I’m unsure if exists.

I consider 1° 2° 3° the most important issues.

I’m “studying” the documentation, but something keeps slipping away, someone had encountered and solved some of these issues, or has and idea? I’ll thanking enormously any suggestion :blush:

for 1 & 2 i can only suggest the ‘PS’ from post 1:

Regarding point 3&4…a custom thermostat?
i do not have any issues with the standard thermostat (so my first thought is, contact maker?

Regarding 5, You mean horizontal swing?
I guess this should be working, but not sure how, i don’t use it… TTS

Regarding 6, your ac must support it (and mine doesn’t support it either)

for 2° are you sure that the issue is caused by a lack/mistake in nodeMCU ESPhome config?

3° was caused by Simona who added a third part widget without informing me and was not rightly loaded in my user session

4° we are not using a custom thermostat for splitter humidity sensors. Forcing the refresh can be an valid option?

6° Forcing the refresh can be an valid option ?

i’ll contact maker soon

My current nodeMCU configuration:

  name: midea-disimpegno
  platform: ESP8266
  board: nodemcuv2

# Enable logging
  baud_rate: 0
# Enable Home Assistant API

  password: "Flying"

  ssid: "Fooo"
  password: "Bar"

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Midea-Disimpegno"
    password: ""


# UART settings for Midea dongle (required)
  tx_pin: 1
  rx_pin: 3
  baud_rate: 9600
# Optional (if you want modify settings)
  strength_icon: true 

# Main settings
  - platform: midea_ac
    name: Condizionatore Disimpegno    # Use a unique name.
    beeper: true                # Beep on commands.
    visual:                     # Optional. Example of visual settings override.
      min_temperature: 16 °C    # min: 16
      max_temperature: 30 °C    # max: 30
      temperature_step: 0.5 °C  # min: 0.5

    swing_horizontal: true
    swing_both: true
      name: "Temperatura Unità Esterna"
      name: "Consumo Condizionatore Disimpegno"
      name: "Umidità Condizionatore Disimpegno"

there is some mistake or lack?

Actually, config looks ok, hence i suspect a software bug and report on telegram
Nevertheless it is an idea to use a basic config as mentioned by @paddy0174, and slowly expand it later to see if it is a bug or config issue :wink:

I generated a new @paddy017’s like nodeMCU configuration file

  name: midea-disimpegno
  platform: ESP8266
  board: nodemcuv2

# Enable logging
  baud_rate: 0
# Enable Home Assistant API

  password: "Flying"

  ssid: "Foo"
  password: "Bar"

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Midea-Disimpegno"
    password: ""


# UART settings for Midea dongle (required)
  tx_pin: 1
  rx_pin: 3
  baud_rate: 9600
# Optional (if you want modify settings)
  strength_icon: true 

# Main settings
  - platform: midea_ac
    name: Condizionatore Disimpegno    # Use a unique name.
    beeper: true                # Beep on commands.

But nothing has changed, except ALL sensors disappeared.
I think i need to chat with the maker…

Hello again (Howard Carpendale in my mind:rofl: a hit in Germany in the 1980s… :rofl: ) :slight_smile:

So, let’s see what we have here:

  1. No beep… If the beep is working with the IR remote from the A/C, it should work here as well. Check, if the beep works with the remote, if not, it’s an issue we need to report.
  2. If the modes change, it seems to be an issue as well => bug report
  3. This is an error with simple-thermostat-card. Remove this for now, and work with the standard thermostat card from HA (the one that is showing on the left). We don’t want any facy cards, that may disrupt the system. First, we need to get the A/C running with the standards, that’s what it is tested against. Afterwards we can enlarge things. :wink:
  4. Not sure which one you’re talking about. If you’re talking about sensor.sonoff_a480016867_humidity, this is not a sensor from the climate component. Same as above, avoid this for now, it is just another possibility for errors and faults. Stay with the standard and enhance afterwards.
  5. Is the tilting (whatever that is… :wink: ) working, if you change it via HA (not voice)? If so, the problem is more with the voice control than with the component. You need to see this in seperate parts.
  6. The power sensor is not built into all branded models. Mine eg. doesn’t have it as well… Leave this out for now as well, if you really need a power meter later on, you can always work with an additional device like a Sonoff R2 to measure this.

All in all I’d say work with what we had last night. This seemed to be working at least in parts. I know, if something isn’t working, it’s a trained human behaviour to change things, but in the end this is only complicating things. If something isn’t working, step back to the last known working version, and change slowly and tread lightly. :wink: Make yourself notes what you’re doing and what the outcome is, and if it is what you expected. If not, revert the changes and try something new (or ask here).

I know, that can be time consuming, but the more standard the configuration is, the better to find errors. :slight_smile:

  1. AC with original key beeps anytime you make a setting via app or hub, now beep only when triggered by IR. Only beeping when triggering via nodeMCU laks. I think i need to report.
  2. I’ll report
  3. now it’s ok
  4. I’m talking about the splitter’s humidity sensor:
# Main settings
  - platform: midea_ac
        name: "Hum"
  1. tilting = swing. What do you think can be the proper thread?
  2. according the AC’s service manual should exist the power meter…

Hi there,

It’s easy to check whether the power metering is present or not: have you found it in the Midea (edit: in your Carrier) official app?

I’ve got a new midea airco with no WiFi. The Midea MFAU-12 Console. I opend the hood and it has a connector for a wire remote i think.


With my multi meter I measured 5 volt on right pin. Ground the 2nd.
I tried with a wemos d1 and a logic level converter. But no luck.
Has somebody a idea?

Model number of splitter and main unit?

Hi, I have just implemented this in esphome and home assistant for my A/C unit but the frontend in home assistant gives the operations: Heat/Cool, Heat, Cool, Dry, Fan Only and Off. My A/C unit does not have a heat option so I would like to remove this, as it shows on the Lovelace dashboard and is useless. Does anyone know how to do this either in ESPHome or Home Assistant?

Customize is your friend here:

Looks like this (depeding where and how you set up your customize section):

    climate.livingroom_ac: # <- your climate entity
      hvac_modes: # <- the modes you want to set
        - 'off'
        - 'cool'
        - 'dry'
        - 'fan_only'
        - 'off'
        - 'vertical'
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Do you want to report or ask yourself, or should one of us do this? :slight_smile:

Thank you, this worked perfectly! Can you change the name of them as well? For example Heat/Cool is actually Auto on my A/C?