Midnight Commander install

Hello, how can i install the Midnight Commander?

My Home Assitant installation method is

:slightly_smiling_face: Home Assistant OS / Home Assistant Operating System :slightly_smiling_face:

Home Assistant Operating System: Minimal Operating System optimized to power Home Assistant. It comes with Supervisor to manage Home Assistant Core and Add-ons. Recommended installation method


apk add mc


ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa  [email protected] -p 22222


# apk add mc
-sh: apk: not found

How can solved the problem?

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Use SSH & web terminal add-on. Turn protection mode off.

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Welcome to Home Assistant OS.

Use `ha` to access the Home Assistant CLI.
# mc
-sh: mc: not found

Why i don’t can use mc without the “SSH & web terminal”?

I’m prefer ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa [email protected] -p 22222

HAOS is not built on alpine. The add-on is, and therefore has apk.

Nice to see another mc fan


How can i list available apk package?

Mignight Commander is my live. :slight_smile:

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apk list

What is the built Linux from HAOS?

HAOS is built on buildroot, a Linux build system. Add-ons are usually built on alpine Linux.

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Many packages:

apk add mc

Midnight Commander install

Welcome aboard, but that has already been posted.

Nice to see another mc fan.

In advanced web terminal and ssh you can set up a package to be installed every time the addon is started. Like

  - speedtest-cli
  - at
  - mc

Oh yes!!! Midnight commander in HAOS!

and with apk add lynx, nostalgia really kicks in!

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I was going to ask, why do it need to be installed at each login ? I use putty so no Web term

Is not at every login, but each addon start.

It needs to be installed because the addon is a docker container. Whenever you change the contents of the container (e.g. by installing a package) it is ephemeral. In other words if the container restarts, it reverts to what is in the image. Which doesn’t include the ephemeral bits.

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Right, I was hoping to skip that issue when I went for PI install and dropped running it on my Synology in docker, but it is fine, the SMB share gave me access to the config files and Im still just testing things to see how I’m able to make the jump from fibro HC3, and my Zvave USB yet to arrive from Eur

Yah, “each addon starts” I do not run SSH as default so for me its each time :slight_smile: .