Midnight Theme

how to add this theme to android application?

Did the latest update break the sidebar for anyone else? Its just all white :confused:

Same here with the white sidebar, spent an hour last night trying to fix it and ended in frustration no further forward.

if you have HACS, I just installed Darkish. Its a pretty similar theme but much more comprehensive (i.e., no more issues with entities pages being all white). And no sidebar issue. Highly reccomend

I was able to fix my theme but putting this into the the bottom of the code

  sidebar-background-color: "var(--paper-listbox-background-color)"
  sidebar-icon-color: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.70)"
  sidebar-selected-icon-color: "var(--primary-color)"
  sidebar-selected-text-color: "var(--primary-text-color)"
  sidebar-text-color: "var(--primary-text-color)"
  slider-bar-color: "var(--disabled-text-color)"
  slider-color: "var(--primary-color)"
  slider-secondary-color: "var(--light-primary-color)"

Thank you @marcelhoffs for this… love it!

I would like to know how I can have themes from HACS (in config/themes//.yaml) available to use in addition to those I have installed the traditional way (in config/themes.yaml). Currently I can have only one or the other appearing in the HA menu.

Hi guys,
to correct the white data tables on entities lists and such just add this to the theme:

data-table-background-color: "var(--card-background-color)"

I know there is an updated version of Midnight theme on HACS, but for those of you that maybe have it customised to your likings it is sometimes easier to add one line to the existing than updating trough HACS and then editing all of it :slight_smile:

I’m using 0.109.6 and it is working ok.

And additionaly thanks to @Tom_Goetz for the sidebar fix, it worked like a charm :smiley:

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I had better luck with

data-table-background-color: “var(–primary-background-color)”

I added my themes a long time ago, relatively, and none of them had card-background-color defined. I suppose I could have added another line for card-background color and that would have worked, but either way!

Important note:
If you’re stumbling on this page now, you’ll find that the original yaml code and even many subsequent comments are outdated. Please use the yaml posted on Github for a very nice version that works without modification.