Midnight Theme

I can setup a repo quickly and I am fine maintaining it but I also do not want to take this away from the original creator. @marcelhoffs do you already have this somewhere? If not I can create a repo and add you as a maintainer.

Seems like having a repo in the main home-assistant project for themes like this might be a great idea to more easily surface themes and maintain them.

Please feel free to create a repository. Itā€™s all open source so use it, change it, redistribute itā€¦ Itā€™s all fine :slight_smile:

Here is the repo https://github.com/pho3nixf1re/home-assistant-theme-midnight . Feel free to file issues there when things break.

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Ah! So there is a repo like that out there. Iā€™ll see about getting the midnight theme updated there with the fix in this thread. Iā€™m also going to look into the HACS theme support per a new github issue.


Hi @marcelhoffs ! A long time ago I took the source from your theme and placed it on my public collection repository so all of us can easily download them all at once.

Iā€™m planning soon to slowely migrate every theme to its own dedicated repository within the following organisation; https://github.com/home-assistant-community-themes. It has HACS support as well. I can create (probally this weekend) a repository for your theme and give u the admin rights. It will be based on the following template repository: https://github.com/home-assistant-community-themes/template.

Let me know what you think :slight_smile:

Letā€™s do it! Iā€™ll migrate over as soon as I am setup.

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Repository has been set up: https://github.com/home-assistant-community-themes/midnight. Iā€™ll copy the latest theme code from ur repository and create a PR.

@marcelhoffs There is also a funding button visible for each theme. Are you interested (PayPal, BuyMeACoffee, e.g.)?

@pho3nixf1re and @marcelhoffs PR is ready! https://github.com/home-assistant-community-themes/midnight/pull/1

I can add you both as collaborators if you want :slight_smile:. Just PM me your GitHub usernames.

You can install this theme with HACS.

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For me the funding button is not necessary. Also itā€™s not likely I will update the theme as Iā€™m not using Home Assistant anymore.
So if any of you want to take it, improve it, etcā€¦ Feel free.

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Is anyone using this theme with v0.100.x? For somereason my switches are no longer red, theyā€™ve turned blue!

Very odd.

Looks like they have hard coded the switches to use the primary color and you canā€™t change it.

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Looks like they are fixing it next release at least.


Great info, thanks very much, I was tempted to start fiddling around with the theme but Iā€™m more than happy to wait for next release and hopefully the blue switches will go back to red. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m now running v0.101.0 and it does look different, however it still doesnā€™t look the same as v0.99.x :frowning:

Iā€™m gonna have to wait till the weekend to roll it up so I can work out the kinks. Iā€™ll let you know if I have any luck for find anything to help with that.

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I added the following 4 lines to my themes.yaml and the color came back as before for the switch toggleā€¦ :slight_smile:

  switch-checked-color: "var(--paper-toggle-button-checked-button-color)"
  switch-unchecked-button-color: "var(--paper-toggle-button-unchecked-button-color)"
  switch-unchecked-color: "var(--paper-toggle-button-unchecked-bar-color)"
  switch-unchecked-track-color: "var(--paper-toggle-button-unchecked-bar-color)"

I am using HA version 0.101.1

Have a great day !

Thanks, this seems to be working for me now.

I removed the old theme I was using, pulled the new version (modified 4 days ago) from the github link this thread:

And it all seems to be working now, switches the correct colour and everything. Thanks. :slight_smile:

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Nice. This one was also my problem :wink:

I setup of theme, and am generally enjoying it but have found a few bugs. The following pages do not seem to follow the theme properly and have a white background and white fonts, making it impossible to read:

Configuration -> Integrations -> Click on Integration
Configuration -> Devices
Configuration -> Entities
Configuration -> Helpers
Configuration -> Persons -> Card for Person
Configuration -> Lovelace Dashboards

I am running HA 0.107.7. There may be some more spots with the problem that I didnā€™t dig down to. Unfortunately this makes the theme unusable for me and will switch to another theme. Iā€™m fairly new to HA, but if you need help testing a potential fix, Iā€™d be glad to help.