MiFlora Sensor Plant Database

I’m using the original repo but without HACS.

folder structure as follows

| card-tools.js
| flower-card.js
               data.js <--- converted file from earlier post

Lovelace resources loaded from GUI with paths /local/card-tools.js and /local/flower-card.js

edit: Come to think of it, I did restart my HA instance completely.
edit 2: I’ve now switched to the repo from post 85 MiFlora Sensor Plant Database and that also seems fine.

Hi guys,

I created free cloud Plants DB which can be used by community. Please take a look.


I think I found the problem, since I was stuck where you were. In the .js file, is always making reference to /local/lovelace-flower-card/data/data.js

I you install everything via hacs, you need to change the local references to /hacsfiles/lovelace-flower-card/data/data.js

To do this You need to edit the flower-card.js file.
Change line 163 to: <span id="name"> ${this.stateObj.attributes.friendly_name}</span>
Save the file and most probably refresh your browser’s cache.

Hi all,

Just forked this repo, made it installable with HACS, removed the hassle of installing dependencies and removed the step with running convert.py.

Here it is: https://github.com/Yolandavdvegt/lovelace-flower-card


You could also have a look at this project: Cloud Plant DB with API for PlantCard where we are trying to get rid of the whole issue with the plant db by creating an open API to fetch the data. We also add the information about max/min values to the plant component itself, instead of each card having to read and parse the whole db.


@yvdv, thx a lot for your great job!

Can you also consider adding a name: property ?

One last question: which is supposed to be the best image size for plants ?


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You can take a look at my current implementation here .
Code as follow:

type: 'custom:stack-in-card'
  - type: 'custom:flower-card'
    entity: plant.pilea_peperomioides_salotto
    species: pilea peperomioides
  - type: plant-status
    entity: plant.pilea_peperomioides_salotto
    name: ' '

To make it perfect:

  • swap humidity and temperature to get the same order as plant-status card
  • allow an option to select between current icon set and plant-status card icon set
  • allow to personalize the title of the card with a customizable name:



It works perfectly for me, kudos!

Did anybody face the issue with sizing ?
Any changes to .js required ?

Data from openplantbook
image in /lmages/plants/

    client_id: !secret plantbook_client_id
    secret: !secret plantbook_secret
    species: zamioculcas zamiifolia
      moisture: sensor.flower_1_moisture
      battery: sensor.flower_1_battery
      temperature: sensor.flower_1_temperature
      conductivity: sensor.flower_1_conductivity
      brightness: sensor.flower_1_light_intensity

Hi there,

For me, the card shows up “perfectly” but I can’t manage to get the popups.
Any idea of what could I be doing wrong?


Hi peter,
I’m an italian electronic engineering student, i’m about to graduate and i’m working on a project of complitely automated smart greenhouse; i’d really need to ask you informations about your plants DataBase to emprove my project, thanks.
best regards,



you can reach me on:

[email protected]

I opened a discussion some time ago: Plant-status card: name and icons

You may want to join


Please someone can create a new link for the image database? looks like 4Shared its KO and mediafire file is damaged

I happened to find the following link which contains the image database etc. https://www.transfernow.net/dl/20210520jIVAA00U apparently this link will expire in 7 days…


Tnx so much

Non expiring link to Plant Images*

* As long as ya’ll don’t exceed 5TB a month in traffic

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There are so many people using and linking to different forks of the various cards. Can you link to the main card you’re using that uses the Cloud Plant DB and instructions to install it?

It’s getting very confusing following the different discussions in this thread!

Do any of these forks allow for prettier names in the UI without underscores between words?

You can override the name using entity customizations for a name without underscores.

@Synappz Links below:
Plant component: https://github.com/Olen/homeassistant-plant
lovelace-flower-card for UI: https://github.com/Olen/lovelace-flower-card

Can be found at the top of Cloud Plant DB with API for PlantCard

Is it what you are after?