Miflora setup

Hi All,

Could someone kindly share there miflora setup including components required. I can see that the miflora is Bluetooth, does that mean I need an rpi or other Bluetooth receiver?

What hardware are you currently running. Does it not already have Bluetooth?

Or you can create a MiFlora interface with an ESP32 running ESPhome.

I’m running Ubuntu docker setup, hardware is mounted out of the way in a meteor cabinet. I have a couple of old rpi’s I could use them as a broker?

I remember when I setup mine, the issue with a rPi was that it couldn’t handle more than one MiFlora. The ESP32 is cheap and very easy to setup. Mine has been working flawlessly for over a year now.

The ESP literally only needs 5V power so there is not even any wiring required. USB power supply–>ESP32 = done

Make sure to explicitly set the ESPHome BLE scanning to passive though or you will eat up your Miflora batteries.

With the passive BLE custom component the RPI can handle more than you need. I have around 40 on mine.

Oh ok. Back when I looked at it it was only one device

Could you link me to the esp you bought, I’m new to the esp stuff

You can get them plenty of websites

[AU$7.19 51% OFF]Geekcreit® ESP32 WiFi+bluetooth Development Board Ultra-Low Power Consumption Dual Cores Unsoldered Module Board from Electronic Components & Supplies on banggood.com

I like the small form factor of this ESP32:

There’s really no point buying the Wemos ESP8266 D1 mini any more. The ESP32 is much more capable.

I did look at those last night when I posted the link, nice and small. What I like about the one I linked is that they have mounting holes.

Thanks guys, have ordered some