Migrate energy history data from docker container to os

I installed ha os into a new sd and I imported the old config directory from docker container to ha os… Works all but history of energy is lost.
Where is database of energy history? How can I import it?


Maybe I understood. There is a sqlite database into config called home_assistant_v2.db.
There are two interesting tables: statistics_meta and statistics. Maybe I can imports entries for this two tables and recover data. This evening I will try it.

I imported data from a DB to other with this python script:

import sqlite3
conOld = sqlite3.connect('pathOldDB\\home-assistant_v2.db')
conNew = sqlite3.connect('pathNewDB\\home-assistant_v2.db')

curOld = conOld.cursor();
curNew = conNew.cursor()

oldMap = {}
newMap = {}
for row in curOld.execute('select id, statistic_id from statistics_meta where  id >= 2 and id <= 8'):
    oldMap[row[1]] = row[0];
for row in curNew.execute('select id, statistic_id from statistics_meta where  (id <= 19 and id >= 15) or (id >= 12 and id <= 13)'):
    newMap[row[1]] = row[0];


for row in curOld.execute('select SM.statistic_id, S.start, S.state, S.mean, S.min, S.max, S.last_reset, S.sum, S.created from statistics S inner join statistics_meta SM ON (S.metadata_id = SM.id ) where  S.metadata_id >= 2 and S.metadata_id <= 8 order by S.start DESC'):
    curNew.execute("insert into statistics (metadata_id, start, state, mean, min, max, last_reset, sum, created) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (newMap[row[0]], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8],))


Works, but there is an error for only a single day. In 17/02/2022 at 22:00, ha shows me that I imported 2348 kWh, and I produced -1498kWh(negative value) solar energy. That’s impossibile.

These are data into db:

select SM.statistic_id, S.metadata_id, S.start, S.state, S.mean, S.min, S.max, S.last_reset, S.sum, S.created
from statistics S
inner join statistics_meta SM ON (S.metadata_id = SM.id )
where  ((S.metadata_id <= 19 and S.metadata_id >= 15) or (S.metadata_id >= 12 and S.metadata_id <= 13)) AND S.start >= '2022-02-17 00:00:00.000000'  AND S.start <= '2022-02-17 23:00:00.000000'
order by S.start DESC
"sensor.exported_energy_compensation"	"19"	"2022-02-17 23:00:00.000000"	"0.0"				"2022-02-17 23:50:53.434876"	"0.0"	"2022-02-18 00:00:10.228212"
"sensor.imported_energy_cost"	"18"	"2022-02-17 23:00:00.000000"	"0.00659999999998035"				"2022-02-17 23:50:53.433940"	"0.089850000000024"	"2022-02-18 00:00:10.227949"
"sensor.exported_energy"	"17"	"2022-02-17 23:00:00.000000"	"538.718"					"0.0"	"2022-02-18 00:00:10.227696"
"sensor.imported_energy"	"16"	"2022-02-17 23:00:00.000000"	"2349.125"					"0.574000000000069"	"2022-02-18 00:00:10.227432"
"sensor.solar_panels_energy"	"15"	"2022-02-17 23:00:00.000000"	"1498.56"					"0.0"	"2022-02-18 00:00:10.227078"
"sensor.power_production_now_2"	"13"	"2022-02-17 23:00:00.000000"		"0.0"	"0.0"	"0.0"			"2022-02-18 00:00:10.226518"
"sensor.power_production_now"	"12"	"2022-02-17 23:00:00.000000"		"0.0"	"0.0"	"0.0"			"2022-02-18 00:00:10.226247"
"sensor.exported_energy_compensation"	"19"	"2022-02-17 22:00:00.000000"	"0.0"				"2022-02-17 22:58:06.970974"	"0.0"	"2022-02-17 23:00:35.140059"
"sensor.imported_energy_cost"	"18"	"2022-02-17 22:00:00.000000"	"0.0"				"2022-02-17 22:58:06.970241"	"0.0343500000000403"	"2022-02-17 23:00:35.139362"
"sensor.exported_energy"	"17"	"2022-02-17 22:00:00.000000"	"538.718"					"0.0"	"2022-02-17 23:00:35.135642"
"sensor.imported_energy"	"16"	"2022-02-17 22:00:00.000000"	"2348.755"					"0.204000000000178"	"2022-02-17 23:00:35.133864"
"sensor.solar_panels_energy"	"15"	"2022-02-17 22:00:00.000000"	"1498.56"					"0.0"	"2022-02-17 23:00:35.132440"
"sensor.power_production_now_2"	"13"	"2022-02-17 22:00:00.000000"		"0.0"	"0.0"	"0.0"			"2022-02-17 23:00:35.130732"
"sensor.power_production_now"	"12"	"2022-02-17 22:00:00.000000"		"0.0"	"0.0"	"0.0"			"2022-02-17 23:00:35.124994"
"sensor.exported_energy_compensation"	"19"	"2022-02-17 21:00:00.000000"	"0.0"				"2022-02-17 21:57:55.310308"	"0.0"	"2022-02-17 22:00:10.302081"
"sensor.imported_energy_cost"	"18"	"2022-02-17 21:00:00.000000"	"0.0"				"2022-02-17 21:57:55.309651"	"0.0"	"2022-02-17 22:00:10.301831"
"sensor.exported_energy"	"17"	"2022-02-17 21:00:00.000000"	"538.718"					"0.0"	"2022-02-17 22:00:10.301580"
"sensor.imported_energy"	"16"	"2022-02-17 21:00:00.000000"	"2348.551"					"0.0"	"2022-02-17 22:00:10.301286"
"sensor.solar_panels_energy"	"15"	"2022-02-17 21:00:00.000000"	"1498.56"					"0.0"	"2022-02-17 22:00:10.301040"
"sensor.power_production_now_2"	"13"	"2022-02-17 21:00:00.000000"		"0.0"	"0.0"	"0.0"			"2022-02-17 22:00:10.300545"
"sensor.power_production_now"	"12"	"2022-02-17 21:00:00.000000"		"0.0"	"0.0"	"0.0"			"2022-02-17 22:00:10.300292"

I also tried to delete all entries from 2022-02-17 to now, but same error goes into new bar of chart.