Migrate from docker to full install

So I am currently running HA via a docker container on a PCEngines setup. I am wanting to dive a bit more into the HA code so I am looking to move to a non docker platform and still keep all of my current config.

I have questions about doing it related to the config of HA itself and Z-Wave.

For the config itself, can I just back up the current docker config directory I have and re use it under the straight install?

For the Z-Wave, are all the Z-Wave nodes stored in the usb adapter db or under the HA config directory? Just want to make sure that I don’t have to reconnect everything and that all my nodes will still be available under their current ID when I do the new install.

Running the Aeotec Z-Stick Gen 5

Just copy the entire config directory over. That’s it.

Curious why you would want to move away from docker. You can work with the components code as custom components in docker.

How does that work? Do you add additional custom directories to the config directory?

I was looking to take some of the existing code in HA, like the climate card, and modify it for custom use instead of using the included one. There are thing on it I would like to do differently. Like add the current operating status instead of duplicating the mode it is running in.

For instance in the lovelace ui, in a climate card, there are four pics where you choose what operating mode you want. There is also wording that also show the mode (heat, cool, recirc, off). I want to change it so that the wording follows the current status (idle, pending “heat or cool”, and “heating or cooling”.

WOuld love to learn how to code it then would probably provide the code back to HA in case they want to update the default card or if anyone else would like to use it.

Also, I find it much easier to get around on my own system to mess with existing code when it is not installed as a container.

For components you drop them in a directory called custom_components. For Lovelace you can just create custom cards. You don’t need to mess with the core code.

Ok… I will give that a try…

Now to learn how to re create a climate card as a custom card with slider and all…
