Migrate from Home Assistant Container to Home Assistant OS


I have a container installation and would like to move to Home Assistant OS.

I have my new Rp1 4 ready but I don’t know what’s the procedure, I didn’t find anything useful so far.

Any suggestion?

Take a backup from the current container system, and download it somewhere convenient. Install HA OS and take the login option to upload backup. Wait a few minutes and log back in.


There was exactly that question yesterday. No worries, I wouldn’t know either, if I hadn’t looked into that thread. :rofl:

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Thanks for the info. It seems not working perfectly honestly, after restoring from my backup I couldn’t reboot the home assistant.

If you want to get further help, you shouldn’t be so secretive. :smiley: What exactly did you do, and what errors came up, or what happened or didn’t happen? :slight_smile:

First question in such cases, how long did you wait for the backup to be restored. Everything under one hour might have been not enough time… :wink:

I raised the cited topic. To whoever thinking about migrating from docker container to whole HA OS - you should consider to implement backup strategy on VM/OS level. After a breaking change (which was my fault) my configuration was broken, and naturally I went and attempted to restore from an earlier backup.
The HA OS backup feature didn’t work for me, and I used backups which I made earlier (from HA OS) and from my docker instance. Rebooting also didn’t help.

Anyway I just nuked the VM and started from scratch, now I’m in the process of implementing a backup process for my HA OS VM. Also, there are few threads in the forum for backups taking hours or days in order to restore… quite strange. My backup was 40mb in size, and HA OS took about 5 minutes to restore from it, which, considering the hardware and resource assigned to it, was quite long.

I raised the cited topic. To whoever thinking about migrating from docker container to whole HA OS - you should consider to implement backup strategy on VM/OS level. After a breaking change (which was my fault) my configuration was broken, and naturally I went and attempted to restore from an earlier backup.
The HA OS backup feature didn’t work for me, and I used backups which I made earlier (from HA OS) and from my docker instance. Rebooting also didn’t help.

Anyway I just nuked the VM and started from scratch, now I’m in the process of implementing a backup process for my HA OS VM. Also, there are few threads in the forum for backups taking hours or days in order to restore… quite strange. My backup was 40mb in size, and HA OS took about 5 minutes to restore from it, which, considering the hardware and resource assigned to it, was quite long.

40mB, pish…
Mine is 33gB

I need to work on that…

You make an interesting point. I couldn’t find any mentioning of the HA OS version number in the backup file. The version of HA is set, but not the HA OS version…

Nevertheless, especially in the case of a move, it should be negligible, as one could check, that the OS version is the latest, and that the one used in the new installation is the same.

But in case of a corrupted installation, you would need to know the OS version number, to install the correct version in the new installation. Hmmm…

EDIT: I just noticed, I haven’t done a restore in a long, long time. I’ll try to do one this evening, we’ll see, how that goes. :slight_smile: Maybe the OS gets downgraded to the version in the backup? Idk, I’ll investigate and take a look. :slight_smile:

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Hi! Could you finally migrate? Im trying the same here, old HA Container i cannot upgrade to a new HA OS. I download the backup and ask me at the first run to restore it, i use it, but after a long time, nothing happens… :frowning: I checked it in the Client of HA OS and looks like the the snapshot i upload is there. It said too that everything is running, but when i try to access again, ask me to create a new user or restore from a backup again. Happen the same to anyone?

yup. currently happening to me as well. I have been using HA in a docker container in my synology NAS for 2 years but I wanted to try and move to the HAOS running in the synology VMM. Over in the docker container, I grabbed one of the daily backups created (in HA settings → backups) then tried restoring from this in the HAOS splash screen that loads at start-up.

After 12hrs → I went to check on the progress and I had a 404: not found page. I tried restarting the VMM → nothing. So nuked it and started again. This time around I tried a different back-up (like I said, I do daily backups). This time, after about 4hrs, the HAOS just seemed to exit the restore process and sent me back to the splash screen asking if I would like to create a new user or restore from backup again.

Not sure what to do from here. I feel like I’m giving the HAOS ample time (up to 12-18hrs) during the restore process.

I’m aware this is a somewhat older thread, but I’ve landed here after some googling for the same answers… And I think I’ve come up with one.

I’m moving from a docker setup to a lxc running on proxmox.
I’ve tried the same things mentioned in several topics with the same results, but…

I realised haos also has its own cli.
In proxmox you can open the haos cli via the lxc or vm console.
Running some commands in there led me to the following.
After having uploaded my backup from home assistant core (2024.4.0 no options for full or partial) it remains on the new machine.
Doing a ha backups will list the backups. Look for the ‘slug’.
Running ha backups restore <slug> failed telling me this is a partial backup.
I’ve now done a ha backups restore <slug> --homeassistant (telling it to not update home assistant and just do a partial restore) finished successfully.
I can now login with my credentials and everything seems to be there.
On a 2vCpu 4GiB ram lxc this only took several minutes for a 450MB backup.

Hope this helps somebody.


It helped me! Worked exactly as you described in a minute or so (50MB backup).

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Hey Guys!

Planning to do this as well: from docker container to HAOS on VM.
Did the CLI commands indeed necessary, or not?
Do I must use the restore option from the UI first or go directly to the CLI console?
Do both “machines” must be on the same exact version or not?
Is the config.yaml goes along the backup operation or should I copy it as well and paste on the new VM?