Migrate from ZHA ConBee II to SkyConnect/ZHA

I’ve got a “little” problem. Have been trying to migrate from ConBee II stick and ZHA to SkyConnect/ZHA, and not working at all, I’m consider this as my personal “thing from hell”.

Been trying for the last 8-10h(perhaps 12h also), and nothing helps. Been trying,for 3-5 times, install the HAOS new and fresh, and also using a earlier backup from using the Conbee2 stick.

At one point, I’ve got 2 devices connected to SkyConnect, out of 20-25things, both Motion sensor, one from Philips Hue and other from Sonoff, and they are not doing so much for the “smart home automation” other then that the Philips motion sensor turn on lights when under a set lux, and the Sonoff turns on light in the “Walk in Closet/apartment utility room”, since the roof light button is behinde the door, i.e. open door to the room → shut the door and hope for the love of god, not tripping on something → turn on light → push back the door towards the wall.

Is there something I’m missing to do?

Been reeding this thread:

Followed the official Zigbee Home Automation site also without getting through.

My setup:

  • Asus VivoMini UN45 with Intel Pentium CPU n3700, 4c4t @ 1.6GHz to 2.40 GHz and 8GB, 2x4GB, ram.
  • Now: SkyConnect USB-stick - Bought when released but not installed until now.
  • Former: ConBee II USB stick
  • 20-25 different smart things, motion sensor - Philips and Sonoff, lights - both from Philips and Livorno, and a Philips dimmer switch - and surely missing something.

So, what am I missing?

I posted a couple of replies to - Migrate ConBee II/deConz -> SkyConnect/ZHA - #8 by Hedda

I am guessing that your problem is likley interference related and/or lack of good Zigbee Router devices, so follow this → Zigbee networks: how to guide for avoiding interference and optimize for getting better range + coverage