Migrate from Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus model ZBDongle-P to ZBDongle-E

I have been using ZBDongle-P for a while with MQTT and Zigbee2MQTT. I am very satisfied with it. I want to replace ZBDongle-P with the new ZBDongle-E model. The order has been placed. I should receive it in a few days.

Has anyone done this migration yet? What precautions should I take? Do I have to reinstall all my Zigbee components?

Thanks for your help!

If you’re currently satisfied, it seems folly replace the preferred z2m chip with one still officially labeled “experimental” for z2m.

There has been a fair amount of discussion about the experimental label, but it seems appropriate to me from following the github threads (no first hand experience).

Z2M won’t do anything to restore the network between different chipsets at this point. Plan on needing to re-pair everything.

Indeed, the E model is still in evaluation mode. I am still preparing for a possible migration.

Thanks for the advice.