Migrate HA installation to a new system


currently my HA project is running on a RPI4 with SD card. I was adviced to get rid of the SD card so I bought an ODROID N2+ with emmc. My goal is to use a recent full backup of the RPI and restore it on the ODROID N2+. Is that possible? What do I have to take in mind?



Very little.

Take a full backup on the old system, restore it on the new one.

You may have to adjust the hardware address of any USB dongles you use.

I will receive the hardware this weekend.
First I will install HAOS on the emcc and try to keep the Rpi working as long as possible. The .tar file is stored on google drive using Home Assistant Google Drive Backup. When I install this add-on on the Odroid I should be able to access the most recent backup for restore? Or is an easier way also possible?