I need help with the migration of HA (container based) and I can’t quite figure out how to get it working without strange errors.
I create backups in HA that are stored locally. I understand that you only need to unzip this into the Config folder at the new destination, is this correct?
How it looks like:
There is no “import backup” functionality unfortunately (I guess that is not made available in the docker version), so I need to do this manually.
What I did so far:
I saved the backup file on a share which is mounted at the new location/VM and unpacked it there:
tar -xf /share/nas/homeassistant.tar -C /home/docker/test
this results in:
the data folder contains the complete config folder with all of the HA files…
Now I’m ready to copy it to the new HA folder:
sudo cp -r -a /home/docker/test/data/. /home/docker/homeassistant/data/
Is this the correct way to do this? how my docker compose looks like:
image: ghcr.io/home-assistant/home-assistant:2024.9
- 8123:8123
- /home/docker/homeassistant/data:/config
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
- TZ=Europe/Amsterdam
restart: unless-stopped
but when I start HA, it goes to recovery mode and doesn’t actually load anything
Am I missing something? Are the commands correct or is there perhabs another way to load the backup at its new location?