I have used Home Assistant as a docker on my Unraid server for a while bit decided to the home automation away from that server.
I decided to buy the Home Assistant Blue (yes, it is beautiful!) and support the project.
I have not used Home Assistant OS before so Supervisor etc is new to me and since the old config is super messy i decided to start from scratch.
I have moved pretty much everything over to the new installation. But there is one thing left. My about 70 Zigbee devices. I would rather not pair all of them again.
I use a Conbee II stick.
tl dr; How can i migrate ZHA including the devices from core to OS?
I don’t have the answer but I have a similar question , I want to migrate my zha config from one docker install to another so I imagine the steps (if possible) would be similar.
I know that within .storage there is a zha.storage file that hold all the devices but I’m guessing just moving this to the new install won’t work and a connection needs to be made between the two.