Migrating Aeotec Z-Stick from HomeSeer to Home Assistant

I switched as I did not feel HomeSeer HS4 had a future. The upgrade to HS4 did not look promising and to me the only real innovation was the new ui which I did not like.

I started my Home Assistant journey using manual yaml files but now I just use the ui for all automations. It is very reliable. One thing that did help me was wiping the pc that I was using and installing Proxmox. This let me use the well supported Home Assistant virtual machine, “supervised” install.

For the ui I’m using this,

Which is far easier to maintain that HomeSeer HSTouch that I was using. I don’t miss HSTouch Designer at all. That was a real dog and HomeSeer had not upgraded it in years. That was probably the main reason i fell out of love for HomeSeer.