Writing this quick topic for posterity. I do not need help fixing any issues. Just wanted to make it easier to find some experience migrating away from a Raspbee 2.
I had concerns when starting my migration. Nowhere is it described clearly how to migrate a ZHA Zigbee network with a Raspbee 2 coordinator to a different coordinator.
Well, I can report I successfully migrated from an RPi 4 with a Raspbee 2 to a Home Assistant Green with a SkyConnect.
Why? The SD Card in an RPi never sat well with me, I could’ve opted for an external SSD, but I felt I wanted something in a single package that is very close to the attention of the creators of Home Assistant. On top of that, the Raspbee 2 works great, but I did have some signal strength issues in my Zigbee mesh. Most likely due to unshielded close proximity to USB 3 ports and chipset on the RPi board. (And yes, with the SkyConnect, my signal strength values are way way better.)
So, I basically went all in on the Cabu Nasa ecosystem. And I can now repurpose that RPi 4 to a less mission/home critical purpose.
My concern was mostly around the disconnecting of the old coordinator. An Raspbee 2 is a daughter board on the pin headers of a RPi and I feel one should not take things off of the pin header in a hot/running system.
The steps I took:
- Create a full system backup and download it to my laptop.
- Create a ZigBee ZHA backup and download that too.
- Initiate a ZigBee radio migration as described in the docs for the SkyConnect.
- At the step where it says to plug your new and unplug your old coordinator, I did NOT unplug the Raspbee 2. I just continued.
- Complete the migration.
- Power down the RPi correctly by initiating a shutdown in the System setting menu. It’s an advanced option under that little elipses button at the top right.
- Take out the Raspbee 2.
- Reboot
- Remove the Raspbee coordinator entity from my list of ZigBee devices.
- Things were not working now. I re applied my zigbee network backup and again indicated an overwrite of the radio address. For some reason it did not work on the first attempt.
Now I went ahead and let the whole system settle and see if all ZHA related automations were still intact. They were.
- Now I created another fresh full system backup. Since I let everything run on the RPi for over a day.
- Power down the RPi.
- Move the SkyConnect to my new Home Assistant Green.
- Connect the Home Assistant Green to network and power and let it boot itself.
- Taking the system installation path which immediately applied my fresh backup.
Once done and running again everything looked exactly as before I got started with this proces. (Note, applying the full backup took over half an hour.)
All in all, my advice for people seeking a ZigBee Coordinator device. Skip any daughter boards or embedded radios. Yes, I advice against picking a Home Assistant Yellow. A radio that’s not hot pluggable like a USB key is a big nuisance when you want to switch out the host running Home Assistant. Migrating from one USB radio to another is a lot simpler and is much easier to bring over to your next device.
And those Coordinators fill a mighty important role in a ZigBee mesh. Lose the coordinator and you have to reconnect all your ZigBee devices. And I currently have 65 nodes in my mesh…