Migrating from Conbee 2 ZHA to SkyConnect ZHA

So I have been struggling and almost lost all my configuration, fortunately I was able to restore backup which healed my network, however I’m still not able to migrate to SkyConnect-stick.

Here are the details:
I first tried the migrate radio without doing much research which involves some additional things to consider since I’m running Home Assistant in a docker container. This means that I have to plug both the new radio and the old radio in, before restarting the container.

This was successfull, old radio is /dev/ttyACM0 and the new Skyconnect is /dev/ttyUSB

I can see skyconnect as a newly found device discovered. This leads me to start migration. Beforehand I take a backup of HASS aswell as a manual backup of the radio. Then proceeding with the setup.

The migration takes a while and it says it is successfull. However nothing works, and I thought something was wrong because the new skyconnect stick still shows up as a new device under devices and the old zigbee-radio still says to be “Conbee 2”, however the network details have changed from deconz to skyconnect radio aswell as dev/ttyUSB0

I waited for some time but nothing reconnected. I thought, maybe the issue is that I didnt unplug the old radio according to the migrate radio wizard, however I took this litterally as it says “you can unplug your old radio now i you want to…” or something similiar.

So this led me down another rabbit hole where I tried to add a device to this reconfigured zha radio (skyconnect) and i was able to add two devices, this I thought was strange and I thought that maybe I was in deep trouble, my expectations was that I was not able to add any devices at all. Once added they were able to be controlled, but all other devices was still not functioning.

Long story short, before trying this again, I want to make sure I’m not doing anything wrong since I am a newbie, and hindsight, I should have installed HASS OS to not struggle with USB-devices, but whatever, I’m still learning and I think it is fun.

If someone has any recommendations other than the two other topics with regards to this would be appreciated, I believe this one is quite different as my HA is running in Docker, I might be wrong.

Best regards