Migrating from Docker to native install on RPi

Good evening and happy halloween :slight_smile:

I’m running HA from a docker running on my NAS, but since I’d like to have more degrees of freedoms and I’m planning to expose the install on the internet, I would feel much more confortable on running it natively from a RPi 3 I’ve here lying around.

First of all, it is ok to run HA on a RPi3 with decent performances? Due to the current global situation, it’s totally expensive to get RPi4 nowdays.

Second, I was wondering if there is a quick way to migrate it onto the new platform so i’ll just (ideally) need to point to the new IP and that’s all.

I though that it was just a matter of copypasting the /config directory (or perhaps leaving them there and mounting as a samba share to the RPi), but I’m not sure about it for at least two reasons:

  • Some additions made from the UI are not showing into the /config directories (although there must be there, since it’s the only persistent storage I’ve attached to the containers). For example, integrations and dashboards.
  • Some hardcoded IPs eventually lying here and there into the configuration files?

do u think it could eventually work?

all the best!

Use a complete backup instead and then do a restore on the new system and correct errors.

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I’d recommend looking at a second-hand WYSE terminal on eBay rather than a raspberry Pi unless you absolutely need the GPIO pins. You can pick up a 4GB RAM device for around £30GBP, and they come with dedicated graphics etc. if you want to play with that as well.

I can’t help with the backup and restore side of things, but I would say that the NabuCasa solution for proxying your Home Assistant box to the internet whilst keeping control on it is invaluable!

That is a really good idea.
I have myself chosen a newer laptop, but with a semi broken-screen.
The laptop solution have that advantage that the battery works as an UPS.
It only takes a few lines in the configuration.yaml to set it up, so you have a sensor that show the battery level, if the battery is charging or discharging and if the mains power are plugged in among others.
Everything you need to set up your automations to send notifications when there is a powerloss or shutdown HA and the host before the battery runs dry, which takes hours, especially if you disconnect the monitor on the laptop completely because that is a power drain in itself.

If you can go for a fanless solution, which should be perfect unless you run image analysis with an external processor, like the coral.