Migrating from Domoticz - how do I do Custom (Dummy) devices, how do I update things, how to replace LUAs?

I started setting up my HAss.IO and I seem to be making steady progress. But I would also like to replicate some of the behaviour of my Domoticz install (so I can then remove the Domoticz platform altogether). I know there is plenty of documentation, and I am happy to dig through it & experiment, but if you folks could just help me where to look (point me in the right direction) it’d be super-helpful.

  1. In Domoticz I used quite a few custom (dummy) switches for automating some tasks. For example: I have a bash script getting me descriptive weather and forecast from DarkSky and putting it in Domoticz, which I then use in a daily weather summary that I email to me. From what I read so far, the Command Line Switches are the way to go?
  2. I have some LUA scripts in Domoticz. Nothing fancy, but things like weekday morning radio alarm ‘If it is Mon-Fri, and the RadioAlarm dummy swtich is On, at 6:30 switch on LMS player in bathroom, if it is 8:40 switch it off’. Can I set up things like that (triggered by combination of time + switch status) in plain HA, or do I need something else? I know there are things like MQTT and NodeRED, but I had no experience. Again - if you give me a keyword, I will read up and google on my own :slight_smile:
  1. There is a standard darksky integration in HA, you don’t need command line. To mail : check the notify integration.
  2. dummy switch = input_boolean. The rest you can do with standard automations.

Check out the command line switch, it offers similar things to bash scripts in Domoticz.

YAML is pretty different to LUA, probably more simple in fact, so it should be easy enough to convert. YAML has script formatting however, I recommend a linter.

However I do find the LMS integration in Domoticz to work far better than the LMS integration in HA, but you may have more luck than me, I ended up getting thousands of LMS errors in my HA when I tried to use it!

Thanks guys. I’m just reading up on input_booleans, I tested that the REST works (so bash scripting is by all means possible!). In fact, I built a list of to-dos that I am planning to tackle during the Christmas break.