Migrating from duckdns to remote UI?

Hello so with the release of .90 the remote UI is here and I’m looking to move to it from the duckdns and let’s encrypt hassio add-on.
Which I’ve been using since moving to hassio with no problem. Obviously with the set up way back when there was some alteration in the config and we could only access the front end from the duckdns URL. And maybe some others setting in other add-on that I’ve forgotten about.

So my question is is there any other considerations to have when switching to the new remote UI as the documentation reads as from the stand point of a new install. Be great to hear and thoughts or from people migrating.
Many thanks

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I migrated, no problem at all really. Switched the toggle for remote ui, started using that URL. Uninstalled duckdns and that was it! After that, I also removed http: section in configuration.yaml. Before you migrate though take in consideration that you won’t be able to access add ons via remote ui yet if you depend on accessing any of them remotely!

After that, I also removed http: section in configuration.yaml.

So you completely removed this entire section? Just to make sure I am not removing something which makes me unable to access the system after the change…

# Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc.
  api_password: !secret my_password
  base_url: !secret my_base_url
  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
#   base_url: example.duckdns.org:8123