Migrating from HA on MacOS to hass.io on NUC

Hi there,

I tried to follow the recommended way, made a clean hass.io install on my NUC, made the basic setup, updated both NUC and MacOS HA installations to the same version, stopped HA, copied the whole config directory via the built-in Samba server of hass.io using the cp -a command on the Mac. Changed the necessary IP addresses (e.g. KNX gateway local IP) in the new configuration.yaml. Rebooted the whole NUC and tried to proceed. Everything looked nice first, all zwave sensors work (via Vera), but most of my automations did not get triggered, even the last triggered date of the automations that happened on the MacOS did not get copied somehow, I mostly saw “Last triggered: never”. When I reverted to the MacOS setup, everything worked fine again. Did miss or oversaw something, please advise. Thanks!
