Migrating from hassbian to hassio

After many years, after not being able to upgrade hassbian anymore, I finally decided to migrate to hassio on a brand new pi4.
I must say I’m pretty frustrated about it: first I cannot get to activate SSH (it seems the system didn’t see the SSH file in the boot partition), so I cannot install all the software I had along with the hassbian setup (apcupsd, sensors, etc.), then I just discovered that MQTT does not accept “homeassistant” user for the broker, so I have to reflash my sonoffs.
Is there any guide to ease the migration and avoid all that small issues that maybe are just stupid, but at the moment makes my HA virtually useless.


Install homeassistant supervised instead of homeassistant.
Use regular mosquitto instead of the add-on.
Then you will have none of these limitations.

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thanks, I’ll give a try!

A better question is why you can’t update your hassbian anymore?

I assumed because hassbian has been discontinued, as announced. if I try to update, the script search for the current version and it ends saying that there is no version 0.108.x available; in fact my hassbian is stuck at 0.105.5.

Yes, most hassbian scripts don’t work anymore. You can try to upgrade using pip3, but switching to homeassistant or homeassistant supervised ( as hassio is called now) is not a bad idea.

Back when I was running Hassbian I never used the Hassbian scripts to do anything. I always updated by running the individual commands:

$ sudo systemctl stop [email protected] 
$ sudo su -s /bin/bash homeassistant
$ source /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate
$ pip3 install --upgrade homeassistant
$ exit
$ sudo systemctl start [email protected]

I now run Home Assistant Core in docker.

Only if you really decide you need the add-ons. If you don’t need add-ons then hassio doesn’t really add any benefit. You can do anything on a non-hassio install that you can on hassio except use add-ons.