Hey there,
I did this today and wanted to document how it went. I was seeing around 10~11% CPU use on the NUC and everything was working just fine apart from one issue; power outages. HA would fail to come back up and it seems that if the HA instance comes back up before the network is ready, the whole thing locks up.
Anyhoo, rather than try and debug, I had the Odroid C2 lying around and I wanted to try out Hassos so off I went.
I first tried a backup of the Intel NUC and a restore but this did not work. Samba failed (possibly due to a ETH port reference being different) and the frontend would not start. Luckily SSH was working so I ran hassio ha check
but that came back OK. Out with the eMMC card and reflash and start again. Installed SSH and SMB manually.
This time I copied across the config files only with Home Assistant stopped. Restarted, all good except that all of my Xaiomi devices had defaulted to their factory names. Now I suspect this is because discovery is on by default and all of my Xaiomi devices had already been discovered before I copied across the files from the NUC. This seems to screw with the entity ID registry.
WORD OF WARNING. If you are doing this, TURN OFF Discovery first. Maybe that will help? The problem with the Xaiomi devices is there is no way to identify which device is which once they are installed. I have six smoke detectors, one single button, one double switch, four mains switches, two door/window sensors, four temp/humidity sensors and two motion sensors…heee! All of these had to have their entity ID’s manually updated again! Luckily, I had kept a registry in one of my yaml files that recorded the factory ID so two hours later, all back again.
A couple of other devices lost their custom configuration; my Yale deadbolt and two of my Z-wave switches.
Ah, what the heck. My config needed a tidy up anyway!
All running on the Odroid now and the CPU is sitting at 10% I’ve left the NUC intact and will spark that up again when Hassos becomes available for that platform or the Odroid poos itself. FYI, the card I used in the C2 was a 32Gb eMMC.
Thought this might help others giving this a go. Feedback welcome.