Migrating from RPi to NUC; MQTT issues

My original hass.io installation is on an RPi. I have several switches Tasmota-ized and working via MQTT.

I am migrating over to a NUC. I am running Proxmox as the base OS with a Debian virtual environment. Within the ve I am then running Docker. I have hass.io installed within Docker with several addons, which also become Docker containers. One of these is MQTT. From within hass.io I am able to publish and subscribe to mqtt and observe any message. The thing is, these do not seem to be able to get out of the Docker container?? I am not sure if this is accurate, but I am not sure what else it could be. If I use hass.io to turn on one of the switches, it will quickly move back into the ‘OFF’ position. If I manually turn on the switch, the state is not updated in hass.io. If I send the command via the command line mosquitto_pub -h -p 1883 -u mqtt -P <password> -t cmnd/master-bedroom-plug2/POWER -m "ON" there is no reaction. I am able to send the command via the Tasmota console and the switch responds. This is why I am thinking there is a communication issue between the Docker container and the outside.

What am I missing?


I am a doofus…

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