At the moment I run my Homematic IP network via the company’s wireless access point, and use the official Homematic IP (cloud) integration in Home Assistant. I recently purchased a Homematic IP HmIP-RFUSB because I would like to run the system locally using the RaspberryMatic Add-on. Is it possible at all to “port over” devices from one set up to the other, so that my sensors would still be called the same way?
I don’t think so.
Personally, I would have a look into the custom component Homematic (IP) local
Which provides a bit more options and support than the core integration, but - unfortunately, you need to teach each device within your RaspberryMatic (or CCU) in order to move it from the HmIP into your local setup.
In this case, the device will be added as a new device to HomeAssistant.
No, this is not possible. If you are currently using the HomematicIP Cloud solution via the HmIP-HAP AccessPoint and you want to move over to a CCU-based solution like RaspberryMatic you need to factory reset all your homematicIP devices and re-teach them in RaspberryMatic / CCU. Then you can use the HA custom integration (as previously linked) to have them all available within HA again.
Its not only the entity names that you loose/change. As soon as you remove the device from the homematicIP Cloud App it will be definitley receive a full factory reset, thus loosing all its own device settings. Thus, after adding it to your CCU/RaspberryMatic you will have to manually change all its device settings again (e.g. temperature levels of heating actors, etc.) in the WebUI and also setup all direct connections to other homematicIP devices manually again.
Thus, don’t give the users here the false impression that this is in any way not a full fledged “factory reset” what is necessary to switch from the homematicIP cloud solution to the local CCU solution like RaspberryMatic. Of course you can remove devices one by one after another and reteach them to the new CCU/RaspberryMatic environment. But fact is: You loose all the previous device configurations, direct connections, etc. which in the end boils down to a full restart of your entire homematic setup. But that’s actually the price you have to pay because you initially considered a cloud-based smart home solution to be a smart approach in the first place