Migrating node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket flows to node-red-contrib-home-assistant

Hi guys,

I’ve been running Node-Red on a separate server from my main HA instance but installed HA on a NUC today .

Since I have more horsepower available I want to run all my flows inside Node-Red addon in Hassio .

The problem is that all my old flows were using the node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket to communicate with my HA instance and I want to change the home-assistant nodes to the native ones in node-red addon .

Any way I can achieve this without replacing the nodes 1 by 1 since I no longer need to use the websocket version of these ?


I don’t use hassio but surely the add on uses node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket?

Nope, the websocket version is a fork from https://flows.nodered.org/node/node-red-contrib-home-assistant, which is what the addon uses ! No need for websockets in the addon …

Well, that’s not been updated for nearly two years. If the hassio add on still uses it, I’d stick with what you’ve got. You’ll loose a lot of functionality that’s been added since it was forked.

Just checked the package.json for the add on. It uses the websocket version.

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+1 to what @eggman said. Keep with the -websocket version. The original non-websocket version is missing a lot of functionality that has been added in the past two years.

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Thanks, think I got confused because I had to install node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket on the Node red previously running on a separate server ! :sweat_smile:

All running smooth after importing and changing server settings :slight_smile: